Thursday, April 05, 2007

Easter Egg fun

Last night was our Easter egg dying eggtravaganza.Easter Basket I'd like to say that the kids had a great time, but I'm not sure that they did. I guess maybe it's not as bad a I think it was, but I was not the best mom in the world last night. Natey wanted to reach into the cups to grab his eggs which would instantly turn his skin a fancy new color. I tried and tried to have him use the little wire doodad that comes with the coloring kit, but it was obviously more direction than he was willing to take.

Egg PaintingClaire was busy coloring with the wax crayon that came in the kit saying "Where the color go Mama? Where the color go?" After we were done coloring eggs, Peach went to bed while Natey and I snuggled on the couch. I said "Did you have fun coloring eggs?" He looked at me as only he could. He has this look that he uses when he knows that I want his answer to be yes, but he wants to say no. I said "Was it at least ok?" He smiled and said that it was. I'm not sure he'd do it with me again tonight if I asked him to.
Here are some pictures. Sure they look like they are having fun, but I still have my reservations about the evening. Tonight we're going to make birds nests. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment.


Andrea said...

Oh, I'm sure they had a great time! The kids and I are doing our eggs tonight! I always look forward to it but I get so worried about them spilling and staining stuff.

First Time Mommy said...

They looked like they had fun! Hopefully tonight will go'll have to let us all know :)!

Amber said...

Oh, they look like they are having fun. If nothing else, they are good fun fakers!
We're doing eggs tomorrow, Shayla has informed everynight this week, "Mom, everyone in our WHOLE SCHOOL has dyed Easter egss....except for me!" She leads a deprived life.
How are you making the nests? We did nests last night with Rice Krispee's, then we put jelly beans in them for eggs and a bird peep.
They turned out super cute!

Home Seller said...

Cute pictures - cute kids! I think someone should invent stain free dye?! Is that possible?

Lori said...

I'm sure they had fun! It looks like they had fun in the pictures!
We like to decorate eggs here too.
It is a little frustrating though, as the egg dye can be so messy. We usually tie a towel around the kids or something to help prevent messy stains.

Jennie Thompson said...

Love the last picture.

Jamie said...

How cute are they? They look like they are having fun anyway!

We are doing our eggs tomorrow night. I sometimes think the hype of coloring eggs better than actually doing the coloring.

Have a Happy Easter!!

Just Mom said...

You are funny. Don't feel badly; I have a feeling my experience with Alex will be the same as yours with your kids. I plan to do the egg thing Saturday night.

Please give the instructions for the birds nests.

Tracy said...

So on Saturday when Nathan and Dawson dye don't want Nathan doing it with his hands??! (giggle)

A mom said...

I LOVE the pic of Natey and Claire together. Very good!

Anonymous said...

Well mom Kerrie don't you know that its more fun to use your hands then that wire thing (laughing)I always liked to dye eggs as my mom would say dyed eggs taste better.Have a great Easter. Just me grandma Karen