Sunday, April 29, 2007

Video blog



Anonymous said...

You crack me up! Get some sleep girl. I will see you this afternoon at the program.
Have fun at the circus.

Amber said...

Love it! Love it! Love it!
Great idea!
I hope that Natey wants to go on the elephant, TWICE!

Anonymous said...

I love it!!!

the boedecker family said...

First of all that was great and funny!! Great idea!! I feel you on the night working with no sleep. I used to work nights at the hospital and with kid's and stuff always going on it didn't work well..and ohh the headache's. Try to get some sleep and take care of yourself!! Have fun at the Circus!!

Char... kay said...

Ker - I LOVE the video blog. Travis and I were highly entertained. You got me thinking that I should create a blog, too. Although, I don't think I'd have nearly as much to talk about. But, you are an inspiration. I have like, 3 scrapbooks and phot albums to do and can't find time to do it... how you manage 3 kids, a hubby, and a FT job PLUS blogging.. you're truly amazing!

Hope you had a great time at the circus. Which animals, exactly, freak you out?

Brandi said...

Too funny Kerrie. I am rolling about your comment about Justin not being impressed...cuz I can just seem him rolling his eyes about it. ha. hilarious. hope you enjoyed the circus and keep us posted about Natey on the elephants...haha.

Julie said...

Oh, funny! I am laughing sooo hard about now because I can just see someone walking in on you. Ha! And, I can't wait to see what Tracy will post.

How did the circus go???

~ Amy ~ said...

You are such a nut! I loved the video post and hope to see more of them. I just have to say - your work hours suck! How do you stay sane? I think if I had that schedule all my hair would fall out from the lack of sleep and all the stress!!!

By the way - I like Keth Urban too.

Anonymous said...

I know I've said it before on your blog, but's have completely lost your mind and entered the realm of dorkdom!! :o) You're so funny. How were the elephants? I hope you lived to tell about it. BTW, Char, Kerrie has seen too many "Animals Gone Wild" TV shows, and now she is terribly nervous that an elephant will become crazed at the circus and charge the bleachers. :) Ker, I hope the elephants managed to behave themselves.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny, if I didn't know you I would have said that you had to many to drink and not just tired!!! And yes I am another witness to that chocolate cake you ate on Saturday.Well I guess I will have to wait and hear about the circus later. Karen

Jamie said...

That was a great idea.

Thanks for sharing your work place.

Just Mom said...

Boy, Kerrie, I sure am glad I didn't have an emergency that night while you were doing your video blog. ;-)

You are one funny nut.

Andrea said...

That was a fun way to start the week! I don't think I could do least with my typing, if I make a mistake I can go back and delete/change it and no one's the wiser but with a video blog, nope, no way to change it unless you do the whole thing over!

I complain about my crazy schedule but your's is much worse! More power to you girl! :)

Lori said...

This video blog was a neat idea.

Jennie Thompson said...

That is some funny stuff! To hell with Justin if he doesn't like it. He can stick it where the sun don't shine!! I'm too self conscious to post a video of! But thanks for the entertainment!

A mom said...

LMAO!!! Who was jailing? I bet they came to get teletypes, heard you talking to yourself and ran like h*ll!! If it was Charlie, then your probably okay. He is used to the wackyness. I must admit, the best part about working nights, is being able to do things like this. All though, I am not sure I could do the video blog.

I nominate Tracy for the best photoshopping of the year. Those pictures look so real. She did a great job!!

Hope you get caught up on your sleep!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

kerrie, you crack me up.

Amanda said...

bahahahaha - I almost fell off of my chair! What a great idea!!

PS - I'm a HUGE Keith Urban fan!!! Have you seen him in concert?

Nicole said...

OK...I don't know how we ended up in the same family because you are too darn funny!!

Kerrie said...

Char - start a blog. You'll be surprised at how much you really do have to say.

Aisha - could you imagine if I was in the middle of a vido blog and 911 rang? Yikes! That wouldn't be good. I was pretty safe at that hour though.

Miah - Nicole was the jailer, but she was training someone so I didn't think I'd be seeing them. Thankfully I was right.

Amanda - I LOVE Keith Urban. I've only seen him once, but I got to meet him that time thanks to my sister. She got us the 'Backstage Experience' and it was one I'll never forget. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him!