Sunday, March 02, 2008

An airbrush extravaganza

After work on Friday, we loaded up the family and headed to Pierre. FYI! That's a LONG trip with 3 kids. Wowzers!

Saturday morning I got up early to head to Kadoka. My instructor, Lonnie, gave me directions to her parents farm. We'd be having the class
in the guest house. With directions like "turn left at the balls in the air" and "you'll know you're close when you drop into the Badlands" - my trip was sure to be unique.

I got to the balls where I was to turn left (seriously, when am I EVER going to say that again?) and was driving on a path in a pasture. As I was taking this photo with my camera phone.....

....Lonnie's husband came to lead me to where I was supposed to be. I was literally driving through the Badlands. There are mountain type structures like this in their pasture. It was crazy to me.

We went 2 1/2 miles on this path. Thank goodness it wasn't muddy. I had to drive around a cow that wasn't about to move for me. Just nuts! Did you click on their website yet? Did you see the cross that they made? Click here to see it. I can't even explain how breathtaking it was to see it in the distance.

Anyway, Lonnie and I got along very well. The class was planned to be 6 hours. However, she has 3 very mischievous little boys who often visited us - usually just needing some mommy love. I totally understood.

They were such hospitable people, so kind and down to earth. I found out that Lonnie's husband loves Keith Urban too. He and I decided that our love for him was a tad different from each other. Ha!

I didn't leave the ranch until 6 o'clock their time. I had a good time and Lonnie thought I was a natural with the airbrush. I felt very natural using it, but she would say "see the make-up before you move on while using large circles" to me and I'd about have a panic attack. What on earth was she talking about??? I knew that the key was going to be to practice.

I asked Justin's dad if he would like to be my first client. He declined. Shoot! I was really looking forward to the possibility. :)

Justin's mom agreed to be my first victim client. In my class I only got to practice on paper. Now I was going to be able to apply it on someones face.

Can I just say that using the word apply really is being used loosely here? After I got done, Justin's poor mother looked like her next step would probably be the morgue. It CRACKED me up. I encouraged her to wash it off, but she didn't because she's a camp. Sharelle, please tell me you washed it off before we were out of the driveway.

I had a lot of fun applying it to her. It's much harder than it seems. I got Sharelle's color too light and that's what gave her the dead pale look. Lonnie told me it was going to be easier applying it to myself and I thought she was crazy. However, I tried it when I got home......

.....and I didn't think it looked all too bad. You'll have to excuse my hair. I washed it yesterday and had it in a ponytail all of today. Focus on the make-up if you will while I, as usual, focus on the hair. :)

One last thing - check out what I woke up to on Saturday.....

I know - it's horrible. How fun though to wake up with a huge lip to meet new people. Sigh! Other than that, everything was good!

Thanks again Sharelle!!!


Heidi Jo Comes said...

okay, i have SO MANY QUESTIONS...but i don't know where to begin.

-why is the only airbrush 'teacher' in the middle of the badlands?
-who are her clients? i've been west river...not a lot of spare women wandering around.
-why didn't she let you practice on her?
-don't people usually go to a spa or beauty salon to learn this stuff...are pastures and badlands the hot spot now?
-why isn't there a photo of your lucky m-i-l?

oh goodness, i have many more. but i'll save them for another day:0) this story just made me laugh out loud. it all seemed so "experiencing life kerrie meyer style".

show us more pictures!! please.

Tracy said...

Great job Sharelle for being the first guinea pig!!! But were is the picture????

Ker, you know I have to ban your blog now with that lovely picture on it. You know which one I am talking about too!! ~sigh~

Just kidding...glad you had fun and I am sure you'll be great at airbrush makeup. Hopefully you can get lots of girls to try it out!!!

Amanda said...

Visiting the only airbrush teacher sounds like someone going on a pilgramage to find buddah or something. Seriously - one teacher? What's the deal? When I read "an airbrush extravaganza" I thought it was something with photos - like you went through all of your old photos and airbrushed them this weekend. HA

Tracy said...

I didn't click on the links so after doing so I just had to say WOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ker - I am so excited for you! Those girls in Mad-town will be lining up to get that perfect airbrushed look!

I can't wait to see your kit. I have to admit that I want to play with it, too! :)

I've always wanted to drive down into the badlands. Who knew there would be free range cattle in there? Weird.

Love, Char

Just Mom said...

"I had to drive around a cow that wasn't about to move for me."


Only in SD.

Anonymous said...

I think HJ covered everything for us...thanks HJ!

As for the hair, I thought you looked amazing in that shot...remember I only get to see your face in that unusual profile picture you have. Do I need to send you some really cool glasses or what?

the boedecker family said...

Very cool and interesting! It didn't look too bad! I hardly ever put make-up on if it could last a long time I would be happier to.

Jamey said...

That make up looks nice! It sounds like you had fun learning how to do it. WHERE the heck did you have to go to do it?? A cow in the middle of the road..hmmm...

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

You look GREAT in the photo! Prom is going to be really busy for you this year. I just may have to take Courtney to Mad-town for a hairdo and airbrushing.

A mom said...

You look good. I would have really liked to see photo's of your MIL. I enjoy a laugh at someones expense...:O)