Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Nathanism

Today while Natey and I were waiting in line for him to be dropped off at school, we saw a little boy in a short sleeve shirt with no coat. It's windy and 40 degrees. It's COLD!

I said "HOLY COW! That kid doesn't even have a coat on!"

Natey, obviously very disgusted, said "Well his parents sure don't think very smart!"

uhhh - I'm with ya little buddy. I get what you're tryin' to say. I'm shizzle to your nizzle. I'M with ya. :)


Tracy said...

What up homegirl??

shizzle to your nizzle huh?

HA!! L*O*L

I am likin' the new photo of Keith on your sidebar. Yum.

Just Mom said...

"I'm shizzle to your nizzle."

LOL. Did you really say that?

Yes, it's #@!#@^%%$! cold outside.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Wow...some parents just don't think! You called that one Nathan!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that kid is going to freeze today. Some parents just don't have a clue but I bet that parent dressed warmly today. :(

Heather said...

Way to go Nathan! You've taught him well.

Tess said...

That is funny! I love it - you're raising a pretty wise kid there! :)

Lori said...

So don't understand why people send their kids to school with shorts in this type of weather.