The Bobo Brothers cause problems on Go, Diego, Go!. One of the kids was given a monkey by one of our friends and Claire has been scared of it ever since. I think we've even thrown it away, I'm not sure. It used to be in her bed with all the other stuffed animals in our house, but once she started to complain about the Bobo's in her room we took it out.
Anyway, (this is much longer than it needs to be) I put her in bed last night and she got upset. She didn't want me to leave and she was worried about the Bobo's. I went up there a couple of times to quite her down. I think it was the 3rd time I went up that I found her like this.
I KNOW! Yes, that is real blood. I just about had a freakin' heart attack. I quickly turned on the light and - holy crap! I snatched her out of bed and rushed to get my camera. There was no way in heck Justin would understand how horrible her nose bleed was if I didn't take a picture. After I took the picture (which lasted all of 5 seconds) I took her to the bathroom grabbing my cell phone on the way. I realized after I took the picture with my camera that Justin wouldn't be able to see it until today. I needed him to share my fright immediately. I took another picture with my cell phone and sent it to him.
Nathan kept saying to Claire, "Peachy - are you ok? You've got blood every where." I cleaned her up and pulled a large blood clot out of her nose. It was gross! She was a trooper through the whole thing. I was glad.
I put her back in bed and told her to keep her fingers out of her nose. Thankfully she fell asleep, but not until about 11:30 or so.
I let her sleep in today. She got up at 10. You read that right, 10. I won't put her down for a nap today and my guess is that she'll be ready for bed at 8:30.
You've just Experienced like Kerrie Meyer style.
OH MY GOODNESS!! I hope things get better for her going to bed issues soon!!
That would have scared the @$%# out of me if I found Alex like that. I probably would have grabbed the camera too.
I hope Claire is doing well today.
I can't believe you had the "wear (or where) with all" to take a picture--HAHA. Does she get nose bleeds a lot or was it that crazy bobo who did it to her?
When I saw her my first thought was "HELP HER!". My second thought was "Justin is NOT going to believe this" - so I grabbed the camera. It was crazy.
I'm positive she had her finger in her nose and that's what caused it. When I put her to bed tonight I said "DO NOT put your fingers in your nose." She looked at me - serious as a heart attack - and said "I'mmmmm nottttt!" Ha!
OK, I know you warned me but I wasn't ready for that!!!
My first reaction would have been to faint - I am NOT good with blood!
Or puke. Or poop. Or anything else remotely disgusting - I have a VERY weak stomach!
What did Claire think of the whole situation? Did all the blood scare her???
Andrea, it didn't bother her like I thought it would. I had her look at herself in the mirror and she didn't say anything.
Wow, praying for peace and all fear to be gone at bedtime for Claire. Poor little dolly! That face is so worth loving!
Wow...that's one nasty bloody nose!
OMG!! That is a bad one! Haa I had to chuckle that you grabbed her and ran to get your camera! That is a true new generation mommy!! LOL
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