Monday, April 27, 2009

Wild weekend

We had a wild and fun weekend. It started with my nephews coming Friday night. Their parents needed to go to SF, so the boys stayed with us that evening until one of them returned late that evening - which my kids loved.

Saturday started bright and early at the salon. It was my last weekend of prom hair for the season. I'm not a fan of prom hair - or wedding hair for that matter - but I do it. My prom girls ROCKED on Saturday. None of them were fussy and their hair looked great. It was nice - and even a little fun.

I worked an hour late on Saturday to get in as many styles as I could. After that it was time for Caymen's birthday party. It's hard for me to believe that she's only 3. She's as tall or maybe even taller than Claire and can do just as much as she can. I can't understand her as well as I can Claire - which is the only reminder that is really is 3.

We woke up to snow that morning. I actually didn't mind it because the night Tracy was in labor with Caymen - it snowed. It actually warmed my heart to see the snow because of the memory of her being born. Crazy, I know.

Caymen loves her some Kerrie, which always makes me smile. When she first started to want to use the phone, she wanted to call me. I eat up all the Caymen attention that she gives me. It warms my heart. Caymen is also the president of the Claire fan club. They love each other like crazy. Caymen is always the first one to greet Claire and Jack when we get to daycare.

I think she enjoyed her birthday. Here are some pictures.

Sunday afternoon we had Claire's spring concert. She missed her one at Christmas due to illness. I wasn't sure how she'd do, but she did great! The first picture was taken by Just Mom. Thanks! The others, as you'll be able to tell, were taken by me. :)Here is a picture of Roo with his hair done for the concert. He really needs a hair cut. I wonder who could help him out?After the concert I took Nathan and Claire to the circus. Here they are in the van - ready to go.The circus was fun...well mostly fun. To say that Claire is terrified of clowns is putting it mildly. Holy buckets! She turned and ran from me at one point. She didn't mind the clowns when they were doing a skit, but she DID! NOT! want them near her - that was for sure.

And these last two pictures? Well, they are just for pure amusement. :)


Just Mom said...

Are you kidding me?!? You went to the circus after all that?!? I went home and plopped down on the couch for a five-minute nap.

(You're welcome for the photo.)

Tess said...

Wowzers, what a wild and crazy weekend!! Looks like a great time!!!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

I love the spring concert pictures....very cute!

I always hated the was all I could do to take my kids every year!

Tracy said...

What a weekend indeed. But OH SO FUN!!!! Thanks for making it extra special...

Amber said...

Love Claire's jean jacket! Think it'd fit me?

Jamey said...

When we saw Tracy at the circus Jay wanted to know if "Kerrie Meyer Lifestyle" was with her! I am forever handing him the laptop and saying look at this...maybe I need to stop...not to mention that he didn't get it quite right :)