Saturday, December 16, 2006

Now THAT'S funny!

I'm not sure if you'll think this is as funny as I do, but I had to share it with you. I thought I was going to pee my pants when Nathan started to sing like this. He's actually saying figgy pudding which is good. Watch it for yourself......

Holy cats - I just kept laughing and laughing at him. Of coarse the more I laughed the more he sang. He was quite eager for me to video him. Funny stuff I tell ya!

Today Justin and Nathan ran to Sioux Falls to pick up a few things while I stayed him with Jack and Claire. It would have been nice to get a nap in, but there was no chance of that. Claire was entertaining me which is always nice. If she had on yellow clothes she'd look like a yellow crayon.

Jack was unimpressed by Claire and just kept sleeping.

Yesterday I kept thinking how lucky I was that Jack was such a wonderful sleeper. He normally sleeps for about 4 1/2 to 5 hours at night before waking up to nurse. For a baby his age, breast or bottle fed, that's pretty good! All day long I kept thinking how great it was, but I didn't want to say it out loud and jinx it. Well, thinking it must have been enough to ruin it all. He didn't go to sleep for the night until 1:30 this morning and was up at 4. I know that 2 1/2 hours of sleep sounds like a lot (sarcasm), but it's not. I got back to sleep right around 6 and was up about 9ish. Oh my goodness! Natey was trying to talk to me this morning and I couldn't even comprehend what he was trying to say because I was so tired. It was awful. I hope for a better night tonight.


Just Mom said...

Holy cow that's funny. My husband and son came in to my office to find out why I was laughing so hard. How adorable.

Speaking of adorable, I love the photos of Claire and Jack.

I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight. Yes, four to five hours of sleep is excellent for a new baby. I used to make Dan get up and bottle feed Alex when I was too tired to feed Alex myself. Dan really liked holding Alex, and the two would fall asleep together on the couch.

8:54 PM

Tracy said...


Kerrie said...

Yes - totally the best. Thought I was going to pee my pants laughing at him!

Amber said...

That's HILAROUS, I loved it!
Also, Shayla honestly HATED Raena the first couple weeks of her life. The day we brought Raena home from the hospital Shayla shoved a mini-chocolate chip down her throat. Lovely...I know!
As time passed, Shayla decided that Raena wasn't quite so bad.