Sunday, May 20, 2007

Proverbs - Nathan Meyer style

In March of 2003, I got this e-mail that was going around about well known proverbs. Supposedly a 1st grade teacher asked her class these questions and got some really funny answers. I thought I'd save the e-mail and ask Nathan the same questions some day. That day was yesterday.

Answers by Nathan - age 5.

It's better to be safe be you (while pointing at Claire - nice).
Strike while the ............................base is there.
It's always darkest before.............bed time.
Never underestimate the power of.................which is true.
You can lead a horse to water can't ride it.
Don't bite the hand your dad and mom's.
No news can't watch TV.
A miss is as good as
You can't teach an old dog new...........................stuff.
If you lie down with dogs, you'll........sniff them.
Love all, trust..............people - and your mom's.....and dad's.
The pen is mightier than the.............................piggy bank.

An idle mind is.........................247.
Where there's smoke there's...............we can't smoke, Mom.
Happy the bride who.....................likes you.
A penny saved your piggy bank.
Two's company, three's.........................four.
Don't put off till tomorrow your family.
Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry must be sad.
There are none so blind can't see.
Children should be seen and not...........fussy.
If at first you don't succeed...............cheat. (WHAT?)
You get out of something only what you......(he didn't have an answer for this one).
When the blind leadeth the blind...........wear glasses.
Better late than...................rejoice!

When I got done asking him these, I asked if he had a good time doing it. He said "Yes, we learned a lot." Indeed we did.


Amber said...

OH my goodness...I love his simple, logical answers.
Next time I fail, I'll just remember to cheat the 2nd time!

Tracy said...

That was cute...I don't think I'd know what to say on some of them. And I think I graduated once...even from college. YIKES!

Shanley said...

Very cute!

Jennie Thompson said...

Chuckle. That kid cracks me up.

Jamie said...

Very cute! He answered those really well! :)

Just Mom said...

"Where there's smoke there's...............we can't smoke, Mom."

You've taught him well.

Now, about that "cheat" answer... ;-)

A mom said...

Yeah mom, we can't smoke! That was too much fun. Natey, you are such a guy!