Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Salon Etc.
Ok, so Blogger isn't my friend today. I tried and tired to upload pictures of the salon. It wasn't working. So, I made a video - lucky you.
Posted by
9:06 AM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Reminder of guilt
My Great Aunt passed away last Wednesday. Her name was Ann, but I called her Aunt B. I wasn't all that close to her, but she was, after all, my Great Aunt. I hadn't talked to her in 4 years. I always made sure to send her a Christmas card with pictures of the kids, but I never felt compelled to stop over at her apartment when I was in town. It's a decision I now regret.

Posted by
7:23 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A must see
Posted by
7:20 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Have you missed them?

Speaking of Linda, she and I went to see our friend Jennie and her new little baby, Tyler. Isn't he precious?He peed on Linda. HA! =)
(I still say it was poo)Here is Nathan on the last day of swimming lessons as he went off the diving board.
Here he is swimming back to the side of the pool with the assistance of his instructor.I had to include this one. This is Dawson. Yeah, he did a HUGE belly flop. He thought it was fun!
"Have your peeps call my peeps"
Claire enjoys walking around in every ones shoes. These happen to be mine. She's not above putting on anyone else's though. If you come for a visit and your shoes have relocated themselves, I'm sure they had help from Claire.
And last but not least - remember these? They've been replaced.
Justin was sure that any one person could wear these home from having their pupils dilated.
Posted by
7:28 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Video blog
Click here to see the dancing girl I spoke of during my video blog.
Posted by
4:11 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
That was different, right?
Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays Nathan is taken to Tracy's house before school. Someone then takes the kids to school from there. Nathan LOVES doing this. Thursday and Friday mornings I run around our house as if my hair is on fire, trying to get Nathan and myself ready for our day.
Due to the fact that children don't understand time, I usually, at some point, raise my voice to Nathan. I hate it. I hate that I do it and I hate that it gets to that point.
Lord only knows what I was asking for him to hurry about on Thursday, but I, as usual, was running behind. The look on his face when I scold him pierces me to my soal.
Finally we got in the van.
I was 3 blocks from our house when I said "Natey, I love you." "Me too, Mom" was his response.
From the back of the van I hear "That was different, right?" I was puzzled. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"It was different from when we're at Tracy's, right?" (when we're saying good-bye to each other)
Indeed it was.
Posted by
11:49 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I can't contain myself!!!
You have no idea how excited I am today. None! Look at the picture. Read the words.
It's scheduled to be released on November 20th. Some of the songs include "Where The Blacktop Ends," "Raining On Sunday," "You'll Think Of Me," "Somebody Like You," "Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me," "You'll Think Of Me," "Days Go By," "Better Life," as well as "Once In A Lifetime," "I Told You So," and more. "Keith just wrapped up new material this week for the project as well!"
New material?
NEW MATERIAL? Have I died and gone to heaven???
I could totally pee my pants right now.
This is the best news I've received all day!!!!
Posted by
9:46 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
For some reason - I'm ready
Tracy and I are avid fans of Clay Aiken. There. I said it. My name is Kerrie and I enjoy Clay Aiken. Phew, I feel better. I have all his CD's and I enjoy them all. Don't get me wrong, he's no Keith Urban, but I do enjoy Clay's music.
Last year I was in Sioux Falls doing some Christmas shopping when I had to take a break to nurse Jack. I pulled behind some buildings and got settled in. I looked though my CD's and found Clay's Christmas CD. I put it in the player and immediately felt better. It's not that I was feeling bad, it just reminded me of how much I loved that CD and the season.
My favorite track is #6, Mary Did You Know. For me, his voice fits this song perfectly. I don't know why, but this song was the first thing I thought of this morning. The great thing about this song is that I don't need it to be December to enjoy it.
Last night I sent a friend an e-mail checking in on her. I thought she seemed to be in a funk. She e-mailed me back saying that while she is dealing with some things right now, she's fine.
Even if you don't love Clay Aiken, I can't imagine there is any way you wouldn't love this song. This one's for you.
Please, everyone, enjoy. This just might be the day that you need it.
Posted by
8:41 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
For my mom
Today is a special day. It's my Mom's birthday.
When I was little, my sister would always have to remind me that it was our Mom's birthday. I always knew it was the 12th, but I could never remember if it was in October or November. You would have thought it would be easy due to the fact that it was normally around Columbus day, but who tracks Columbus day? My kids have never counted down days to Columbus day. "Only 4 more sleeps until Columbus day" has never been a conversation at our house.
Most people think their mother is the best of the best. It isn't often that you hear of someone that doesn't speak to their mother. I know there are a few of you out there that don't. Don't worry, you won't be outed here. However, I happen to belong to the camp where I think my mom is the best of the best.
While I was a child, I lived with my head in the sand as most children do. We don't do it on purpose. We do it because our parents are taking care of us and we don't have to worry about much. My childhood wasn't exactly like that, but my Mom shielded us from many things - always for our own good. I have no idea how much money my parents had while I was growing up, but I never felt poor. My normal was a house that consited of 3 females, one in which had MS. It was my normal.
Now that I'm a mother, my mom tells me all the time what a great mother I am. Where does she think I learned it? I didn't read a book. I didn't take a class.
I learned it from you, Mom.
Through your actions and guidance I learned to be polite to other people. I learned to help people where I could. I learned that giving will make you feel good on the inside. I learned that due to the fact that life isn't easy, you must always stand up and fight. I learned that if I listen to people I can also learn from them. I learned that a disability is only as strong as you let it be.
I learned all this from you.
I love you Mom.
I love you for who you are and for who you helped me become. I love you for taking your life in your own hands when I was in the 3rd grade and saying enough is enough. I love you for being there beside my hospital bed when I thought I couldn't go on. You gave me reason to go on. Being me hasn't always been easy, but knowing that I had someone like you in my life made it worth the walk.
You're an amazing woman, Mom.
Happy Birthday.
Posted by
7:47 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tyler Vernon
Born Today
Welcome Tyler!!!

My kids call Jennie 'Icky Bug'.
On the way over to Tracy's house this morning
I told Nathan that Icky Bug had her baby.
Natey was so excited! He wanted to know if we
could go see them today. He said he could skip
swimming lessons to go. Cute, right!
I plan to see them on Saturday while Justin and the kids
are up in Aberdeen for the weekend.
I got a chance to talk to Jennie for a little bit this morning.
She's very tired. She didn't sleep well last night as she was
filled with excitement and anticipation of Tyler's birth.
There are 17 new mom's waiting to be discharged today,
so Jennie and Tyler will be in their birthing room
until about 5 today. Wowza!
Congratulations Jennie, Marty and Vanessa!
Posted by
9:56 AM
School picture
Natey brought home his school pictures yesterday. I was so excited. I think they turned out so cute! He looks so grown up to me. I ohhh'd and ahhh'd and as he stood there beaming. It was pretty cute.
School seems to be going ok for him. He's told me twice about being punched - once in the stomach and once in the back. The hard part about hearing that is not knowing if it was someone being mean or just someone bumping into him. Nonetheless it hurts his feelings which in turns hurts my feelings.
Anyway, there is Natey's school picture. =)
Posted by
8:44 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I used to think I was a pretty patient person. Maybe I never was and I just thought I was. I think what I had at one time is now gone.
I have quite a bit of patience with my kids and I guess that's the best place to have some. But if I have it with them, why not with other people?
A week or two ago, I was standing in line at the check out of our local monopoly grocery store. There was a woman in front of me that I would guess to be close to 60 years old. She had her things on the belt and was almost done having her items scanned when I put down my items. I had a frozen pizza and two bags of M&M's for Nathan and Claire.
The checker was done checking the woman's items and was going through some coupons that the woman presented. While this was taking place, my items were taking a ride up to the clerk via the conveyor belt. Apparently this wasn't ok with the lady. She kept pushing my stuff back. I looked at her like what in the hell are you doing, right. She pushed my items 3 times. Then on the 4th time, my M&M's went flying. WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? Don't worry Mom, I didn't say it - but I wanted to.
I gave her 'the look' as I picked up the M&M's that were now back by the meat department. Ok, so they weren't by the meat department, but come on! What in the heck was her deal? She looked at me all embarrassed and said 'Oops'! OOPS? Not only did she spend my patience for the day, but couldn't she have used a bit of control - or something? For crying out loud!
I have another one to tell you, but I'll save that for another post. I know. I know. You'll be waiting on the edge of your seat.
Posted by
12:05 AM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Brown vs. Blonde
Ok blog buddies - It's time to vote. It's time for me to color my hair. Should I continue to be dark.........

Posted by
9:20 AM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
The parade
"Mommy, when is the parade going to start?"
There was a chicken giving out candy. Of course the kids were all about that. Who wouldn't be?
Ahhhhh, what they'd been waiting for.........
They were groovin' to the music of the bands.
Nathan opened his Diet Coke and had 2 drinks of it. He LOVES Diet Coke. He tells me that all the time. I bet he's never had more than a cup full in his entire life. However, he loves it.
Posted by
7:08 AM
Monday, October 01, 2007
Video blog
HA! The Deputy came to the door right as I was getting done. It's the first time that's happened. I'm sure he could clearly hear that I was talking - yet - he didn't ask who I was talking to. HA!
Posted by
2:20 AM