After the kids took a bath, it was time for family pictures. With a group of 11, this is quite the task. I curled Claire's hair and she looked precious.
Well, she did until she looked like this.......
I'm not sure why she was crying, but I thought she was even cute while bawling her head off. Actually, I do know why she was crying. This is one of the next pictures of her.
She was exhausted. This picture was taken before our family pictures were taken. It was ok, her curls lasted.
Jack was ready for his close-up. He got this outfit from Grandma Sharelle. Justin and Nathan were VERY happy that Jack got a Cowboys onsie. Jack seems quite proud too.
This would be a great picture had Nathan not closed his eyes.
We were trying to get a good family picture of everyone. We had the usual problems; someone would close their eyes, someone would have their head turned, you know - the norm. Well my nephew, Spencer, kept having this ridiculous look on his face. Nathan thought it was beyond funny. Nathan thinks pretty much anything Spencer does is beyond funny. I laughed out loud when I looked at the next shot of the two boys. Spencer had just been told to 'stop looking like a deer in the headlights'. Not to be outdone...
For the love of Pete!
Did you get a good Christmas pictures then without eyes closed or deer spotting?!?!?
Happy New Year Ker!! I still think the family picture is great. Its always difficult to get everyone together for a fam pic, so I think all family pics are special.
Those pictures are great! So true. It is so hard to get everyone to smile at the same time without eyes closed.
I can relate to the nightmares of trying to get a good family picture! The out takes sure are fun to look at though. :)
The kids look adorable....and the parents look pretty spiffy too!
Claire is 2 cute!!! love her!! Little ones at cute as she is makes me want to have a baby girl!!!!
That Nathan's a funny one!
Love the pics and I love Claires hair!
Even though, Natey's eyes are closed, it's still an adorable picture! And the one of Natey and Spencer...HILARIOUS!!!!
That one of Nathan and Spencer made me laugh HARD!!
It really is a problem trying to get everyone to smile and look at the camera at the same time. It's always fun keeping the "out takes" (to borrow your friend Teresa's word) though because those are the ones that really show character!
I love Nathan's deer-in-the-headlights look!
Claire is such a doll!! Loved her hair!!!
The family picture looks nice!!
Fun photos. In the last one it looks like someone shot off a gun right when the photo was taken.
I'm having a give-away on my blog - ends tonigh! I'm giving away a print of my artwork and a free caricature drawing done by me. No catch, no gimicks. It's just my way of celebrating one year of blogging. Come on over and post a comment - any comment will do.
Haa Haa!! Natey!! I love it!
Poor Claire, she was just tuckered out, very cute play by play mom!
Happy New Year!
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