Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin painting

Monday we picked out our pumpkins. Each of the kids picked one out (and loved every second of it...) and then I chose one. I don't think I'll be able to carve the one that Jack picked, so I thought I better get a 'stand-by'.

We also got mini pumpkins for them to paint. They had a blast!!


Heather said...

Looks like fun - we are hoping to paint some this week too!

Anonymous said...

This is great. I hated it when my kids were little. I know...bad mom! I talked to a lady the other day whose kids are now grown. She said she hated it all when her kids were little. Now that they are all out of the house she went and got a pumpkin to carve cuz she missed her kids. Aren't we weird?! Funny how we have forgotten the mess and pain of it all and only remember the cuteness of it all. My kids would fight and argue over anything and everything taking all the fun out of it.

Glad you guys had fun and sorry for the letter, hehe.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

How fun! I miss doing things like that with my kids!

Katie said...