Friday, April 17, 2009

The real deal

Claire was reading me a story the other day. (Make sure to notice the story book that she was reading from.) She told me about the "Hundred naked Wood" where Winnie the Pooh lives.

I just about peed laughing.

I stopped her and asked her to read it again.

THIS, people, this is Experiencing life Kerrie Meyer style.

PS: She dressed herself and combed her hair herself that day. (giggle)

PSS: Don't miss the post under this one. The video cracked me up.


Sarah said...

I love me some Claire first thing in the morning!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

these are the meyer moments that make those other ones (like the van door being left open in snow storm) so much less least for me, your humble reader!

i love how she holds it open for us, so see the pictures of course!

Tess said...

What a wonderful story!! She did such a great job!! I love that she wasn't going to say it because we would laugh! That is funny stuff..

Great Job Claire!

Tracy said...

I love the illustrations in the book! Very detailed. ;)

Caymen sat intently and watched Claire tell "HER" a story. Too cute!

Katie said...

she's adorable... and where can I find a copy of that book "the hundred n---- wood?"

Amber said...

The Ucky Poopy Forest...WOA, now that's some swear words right there!!!

Heather said...

That is hilarious! Great story Claire! and I just LOVE how (non)interested Jack was with the story and how he was so trying to get the attention from Claire - I felt like I was watching my Jack!!! Too funny!