Thursday, April 02, 2009

Victoria, I figured out your Secret

Who knew a pretty pink bottle could hold so much power? I never knew. I bought this when we were in Rapid City. It's contents are liquid gold.

Claire marches to the beat of her own drum. I have no idea where she gets it. Ahem.

This bottle of pretty pink potion will make her do just about anything. Here are a few examples:

Me: Claire, it's time for a bath.
Claire: I DON'T WANT A BATH!!!
Me: If you take a bath, I'll put the pretty pink lotion on you.


Me: Claire, it's time to brush your hair.
Me: If you brush your hair, I'll put the pretty pink lotion on you.

You get the picture.

So, Victoria, your Secret is out of the bag at our house.


Katie said...

That's funny stuff! Your kids make me smile! Love em!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

exposing her to the finer things in life so young. good for you:0) now when she comes home with VS bags in high school you will have to assume it is just with pretty pink lotion, right...not 1/2 a pair of underwear:0)

ha. just kidding. i love bribes, and so much healthier than chocolate!

Tracy said...

Can I borrow some of that stuff??

Just Mom said...

I'm glad you're referring to it as "pretty pink lotion" rather than "Pure Se*deuction," like it says on the tube. LOL.