Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Video blog - Neuro update


Anonymous said...

Wow...well at least it sounds like you got SOME answers at the doctor... It will be interesting to see what the MRI shows. I completely understand about you worrying about the MS-type symptoms, and I hope that the MRI can put your mind at rest about that. (Hey, I'm convinced that I have Parkinson's everytime my fingers twitch, and I don't even have a family history!!)

That's really great that your dad is coming for a visit! I had no idea that it had been so long. I'll bet the kids are excited! :-D

Heidi Jo Comes said...

first, is that a lion king pillow on your bed kerrie? :0)

i never feel like you get a real resolution when you see a doctor. it seems like there are as many unanswered questions as before. that has to be stressful...and add to the headaches!


so happy that you will be seeing your dad. i hope it's a really special time for you guys.

Tracy said...

WAHOO that you are seeing your dad again!

WAHOO that you actually took your pill for FOUR days in a row!!


Frazzled Farm Wife said...

First of all...I just want to tell you that I love watching your video blogs! Even with something as serious as what you are going through with the numbness, headaches etc., you still crack jokes and make me laugh out loud while watching!

Finding those offices in SF can be sooo frustrating...one of the reasons I like it out here in small town america.

Glad to hear that you are taking the potassium and it seems to be working....now to go without the tylenol...hope it isn't a huge struggle for you.

Seeing your dad for the first time in 4 or 5 years....I want to hear more....you have got to be very excited. How excited are the kids??!!

Jennie Thompson said...

Would you like me to stop by your house every morning and give you that potassium pill?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about the pillow too!

Another thing we have in common (can there be more?) ... I haven't seen my Dad in YEARS. He's never met Drew, Emily or Molly ... and only Jake at 5 months old. So, it's been over 10 YEARS!


AND, if I had to choose whether to see Dad or Keith ... it would be Keith. Isn't that sad?

I hope you have a great time ... whenever it will be ... and I'll be looking forward to hearing all about it.

Anonymous said...

Yup, noticed the pillow, too :)

As for the headaches...I hurt for you. I have had migraines since I was in my twenties and I'm now 48. Taking the wrong stuff can give you rebound headaches like you've been getting from the Tylenol. I know, it sucks.

It took me along time to figure out the symptoms of a migraine. Now I pop my meds the very minute I feel one coming on. I spent years taking everything else in the house assuming it was not a migraine only to end up in major pain.

I've had the MRI's twice. It's good you are going in for it.

Hang in there and I will be praying that you find answers to rid you of the pain. It's just NO fun.

...waiting patiently for the update on you and your dad :)

Just Mom said...

You've got a lot of stuff going on in your life, woman. Wow. I'm thinking of you -- often.

Tess said...

Glad to hear they are going to do an MRI. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Definatley keep us posted!!!

Congrats on seeing your dad! I hope you have a wonderful visit!!

Jamie said...

Keep us all posted on things...I hope things get better for you!!

I am happy for you and seeing your dad! :)

Amber said...

Jennie, I think that we should buy Kerrie would of those "old people" pill boxes. That way if she forgets to take her pill..she'll know by looking in the "Sunday" slot!

Tracy said...

Amber...she HAS one of those!

Sorry Ker...I spilled the beans.

Kari said...

It is crazy about the potassium pill, but I have a med that makes me lack b-12. If I don't take b-12 to make up for it. I get all kinds of tingling in my hands and feet. It's so crazy how our bodies work!

I'm glad you get to see your dad!

(I noticed the pillow too) LOL