Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Who needs a finger tip anyway?

Ok, before we start and before anyone else points it out, I realize I look tired. It's really not the look of tired as much as it was stress - and pain.

I'm kinda flipping you off in this picture. It's not on purpose - ok, so depending on who you are it might be - I'm just showing you the wonderful thing I did at work yesterday.

I was cutting my last client of the day and cut a hole in my finger. It's not the pad, it's more on the side, but just as large. It's probably about the size of a jelly belly - I think.

*Not for the squeamish*

The blood that came from my finger was crazy. I knew the second that I did it that it was bad. It didn't take long to bleed, but before it started REALLY bad, I could see that it wasn't a slice, but that there was a chunk missing.

Blood was dripping on the top of my vanity while people were trying to tell me what to do. We have guidelines that we must follow - and I was trying to follow them - but there was so much blood.

We have a lady that works there that we call the voodoo doctor. She used to be a flight nurse, so we rely on her quite a bit to help in times like these.

She came to my vanity to put a band-aid on it. I knew that I needed to apply pressure to it, but there was no skin there and it hurt like hell. She put a band-aid on it, but it was so tight that my finger tip was turning purple. That obviously wasn't going to work.

She put gauze on it and then a band-aid, but it didn't take long for the blood to soak through that. I thought I should have a stitch, but people kept saying that the doctors wouldn't stitch it and to 'suck it up'. Oh yes they did!

Get this! We even found my piece of skin on the floor. That was when my client got a bit icked out. Finally I just put a glove on and finished up her hair. I had her dry it while I figured out my next step.

The picture you see is of a wrap that LaVonna (the voodoo doctor) did for me. It hurts, but I'm trying to figure out how on earth I'm going to work like this. I obviously can't get it wet because the bandage will fall off.

I'm wondering how on earth I'm going to wash my own hair? Speaking of my hair - should we talk about it? :D

I look dead. Does anyone else see the brown bags under my eyes? Are we still talking about my throbbing finger? Just wondering. :) I just realized that I look like I have only one earring on making me look like a pirate. I had the other one on too - it was just turned.

Whatever. The point is that I cut my finger it hurts. And I thought you should know about it.


Karenkool said...

Maybe you shouldn't use such sharp scissors. That's what I do (well, I only cut hair for my own family). My scissors are really dull, so whenever I've had a chance to cut open my finger--and I have several times--it's barely broken the skin.

Hey, how about we trade scissors. I'll send you mine from my stash (two in all) and you can send me yours from the place where you work!! 8-D

I hope you feel better--and I know this is not about me, but my bags are seriously way more pronounced than what your are proclaiming. Your gonna have to work on it if you really want some good bags.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

OWWWWW! you finished the hair cut? i don't know that i could have allowed that if i was the client! i would have settle for a 1/2 price discount or something, but a bandaged bleeding woman? wow.

i don't believe in luck---but i'm coming to believe that there is something to your blog title: experincing life kerrie meyer style.

Tess said...

Ouch. That doesn't sound like fun at all! I hope it is feeling better today!

I love the earring comment! Haa.. You crack me up..Never a dull moment!

Amber said...

Oh ouch...
My stomach is squeamish!

Tracy said...

Okay...that was very detailed.


I hope you are able to wash your own hair today. Something tells me you'll get really creative while working! ;)

Frazzled Farm Wife said... poor thing! If it makes you feel better, my week is going like that I am sure you feel better huh....NOT!

Shannon said...

Arrrgh, you didn't tell me you found the skin on the floor. Did your parrot fly down and bring it to you? **sigh** I crack myself up :o)

Andrea said...

OK - so I REALLY should have taken your warning seriously but I didn't and now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to finish my lunch! My fault, not yours - you tried to warn me!

Totally didn't notice the "missing" earring until you pointed it out - FUNNY!!!

Just Mom said...

Sorry you lost the tip of a very important finger.

btw .... I'm cancelling my next hair appointment with you.


Teresa said...

I'm thinkin' you should be getting a disability check for that injury. That's nasty!