Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Experiencing it Kerrie Meyer style

You know, I have a pretty great life. I have a family who loves me and friends who are awesome - well - most of them. Anyway, I'm not sure when or how my luck turned into Murphy's Law - but it has. It's the craziest damn thing ever.

I don't have to go over the birth and lives of Claire and Jack to remind you when I think it really started. I'm just wondering when it will all even out. I mean, I realize that my life could be worse. You don't need to tell me that. I really, seriously know this. I'm just saying - I'm a little bit done with waiting for the next thing to happen.

Let me explain.

Ok, so last Monday night, shortly before I went to bed, my throat felt as though something was trying to pierce it. It got really sore. For the past couple of weeks I've had this strange thing that I thought was maybe allergies, but that had all but cleared up.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself. The weekend that Tracy got sick, I was supposed to go to Aberdeen for my nephew's 1st birthday. The night before (Thursday night), Jack started coughing like a seal. I saw Tracy at the t-ball game and she said the just got back from the doctor and had strep. She was only there to disperse her daycare and to figure things out with Grandma Sandy.

I asked Justin to call the doctor to get Jack in because something wasn't right with him. It turns out he had croup. I don't need to tell all of you how contagious that is. So, Justin took Nathan and Claire to Aberdeen on Saturday for Zachary's party while I stayed home with Jack.

Jack responded very well to the medication and was better by Sunday night. The next week was fine. Then last Monday is when my throat started to hurt.

I got up on Tuesday and expected my throat to be fine. I really did. Go ahead - laugh. Really. It's ok. I'd gotten up at either 3 or 4 that morning to take some Tylenol because I was in such pain. By the time I got to work I'd started getting another really bad headache. It wasn't long before my body started to ache. I through I had the flu. I've never had my body hurt so bad when I had strep.

Finally, I marked myself off of my book. One of the ladies called my clients while I finished the ones that I was doing (sisters - highlights). I was done with work at 12:45 and SERIOUSLY thought I needed to go to the ER. I was in such pain. I called the clinic and I could be seen at 2:30.

I went home and laid down. I was freezing cold. When I went to sleep I had a temp of 99. I woke up and it was 100 (underarm). I got to the clinic and was freezing in the waiting room. I waited and waited and waited.

Finally I got called back. My headache was now a migraine and it was KILLING me. The nurse was asking me her nursey questions and took my temp. She said "I knew you had a temp because your heart is racing". Then she took my blood pressure and I started bawling. It hurt my body so much. My body was in such pain I couldn't understand what she was saying anymore. She wanted me to take my shirt off to my neck, wrap a gown around me and just leave my shirt on my neck to try to stay warm.

NO IDEA. I didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

I laid down and cried and cried. The doctor came in and said "Who gave you this?" Who gave me what? What the hell are you talking about? was my thought. She said that Jack probably got strep from Tracy and then gave it to me. He didn't show signs of strep because the medicine for croup killed it.

She told me about the medication she was going to give me and I COULD NOT! follow her. I was bawling and bawling. I said 'I have no idea what your telling me. I just can't understand you.' I'd met my pain level - something that I don't think I've ever done before. It was beyond horrible.

Ok, so you know the rest of the story. She gave me 2000 mg's of an antibiotic and I got better quick.

This past weekend we were supposed to go to Aberdeen as a family for a get together with some of Justin's high school friends. On Wed. Tracy called me to see how I was doing. I asked how the kids were and she said "I think Claire might have impetigo." I had no idea what that was and didn't really think much of it. Claire had a couple little bumps under her runny nose - and I just thought it was irritation.

Then on Thursday I saw Trac at the last day of football practice. I asked her how the kids were doing and she said "Ker, I really think Claire has impetigo." I still hadn't done any research on it yet. Again I didn't think much about it - until I picked her up on Thursday. The 'rash' has spread to her chin and they are little blisters. I told Justin at supper that I was going to try to get Claire seen first thing on Friday.

He took her to the doctor at 11:20 that morning. He called me later to tell me that she couldn't go to daycare until Monday and that she was highly contagious. She had impetigo - which is Strep on your face. So, I stayed home this weekend with Claire and Jack while Justin and Nathan went to Aberdeen.

I know. I've got MAD luck!

So here is a picture of Claire posing to show you her 'owie face'.

So twice a day we've been putting cream on her 'owie face'. Well, Saturday was pretty crappy, so I decided to clean out Nathan's closet. I got it all done and Claire said she wanted to hang from his closet rod - thing. I told her no because it wouldn't hold her and she'd fall and get hurt. I turned around to pick something up and she was flat on her back, screaming, with the rod on top of her. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I JUST told her not to do that!

It was time for lunch, so I brought the kids down to the dinning room. Clarie was goofing off and fell off the dinning room chair and landed right on her face. Seriously! I couldn't even make this shit up.

Notice the bump on her right eye? Yeah, well now it's kinda black.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

Sometimes - you just have to Experience it to - well - even understand it.


Anonymous said...

You have the worse luck although it did make for a chuckle or two while reading this today. Hang in there.

Tracy said...

Did you totally just blame ME for Jack getting strep?

Just wonderin'

Amber said...

Claire looks like she's REALLY suffering from her owie!

Anonymous said...

Oh MAN - you really do suffer from the effects Murphy's Law! I do think that you are about the most patient person in the world when it comes to your kids, so maybe that's a testament to "God only gives you what you can handle" - boy, that's encouraging, huh??

I sincerely hope that you are ALL feeling well VERY soon!!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Boy oh boy have you had a rough time lately Kerrie! I sure hope you have good health insurance...lol! Hopefully everyone stays healthy (and injury free) for awhile so you can keep your sanity.

Anonymous said...

Yep Tracy - I think she did just blame you for Jack's strep : )

By the way Kerrie what is up with this word verification thing?

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from Chell - forgot to sign my name.

the boedecker family said...

My goodness Ker, I hope things turn around REAL quick for you guys!! I know that stuff is going around something fierce right now! I'll say a prayer for you all!

Just Mom said...




Tess said...

Oh my goodness.. That is quite the roller coaster ride you have been on! I am glad you are feeling better! That had to be horrible. You guys have sure been hit hard with illness this year.

Claire, she is quite the little girl. She may end up being your rebel without a cause!!

Nicole said...

Man, I TOTALLY feel you on the strep. I got it last March and I've NEVER been so sick in my life! I'm sure I had it as a kid. Did I turn into such a wussy baby as I got older or what?!? It was HORRIBLE!! SO sorry things have been pretty yucky lately, but guess what?! YOUR DAD IS COMING!!!! WAHOO!!

And this might make you feel a little better...my friend has 4 boys with a girl due in August. Last year, one of more of them (including mom) had strep for 6 MONTHS!!!!!! They kept passing it to each other. Can you imagine???

Lori said...

Sorry you are going through some rough times. Hope everyone feels better soon (and stays healthy).

A mom said...


Am I an awesome friend?