Monday, August 25, 2008

Special things are happening

Today Claire got to go to her school for the very first time. She's going to be in first year preschool. Her teacher, Mrs. Poncelet, was so kind (thank you SO much Susan) and let Claire come today instead of Wednesday. We all went as a family to see Claire's new school.

We made Mrs. Poncelet a little gift that Claire wanted to give her. Here she is outside excited to meet "Poncelet".

Here is Jack. He found a stick outside that he thought was a lot of fun.

Here is Claire in front of the chalk board and also sitting in a chair at the little table. She looks like she owns the place, doesn't she? :)

Mrs. Poncelet has a bulletin board up with the kids names on them. Claire was excited to see her bee.

It won't be long before we see this little guy bringing his backpack to school and to meet the teacher. EEEK!

Why don't we just Experience it Claire Meyer Style?

After we got done with preschool, we picked up Dawson so that he could come over and play with Nathan today. The boys got AWESOME new jersey's that they SUPER DUPER LOVE!!!!


Heidi Jo Comes said...

you must be very very special! a sneek peek, a private open house. so glad that your whole family was able to come and bring claire for the visit. just a few more!

Anonymous said...

Of course Peachy Pie never gets in trouble for running at Tracy's house. How could anyone so cute ever disobey?

Love the little song at the end.

How can your 3 kids look so much alike? All too cute!

Oh, and by the way, I saw you and Michael Phelps are really tight now. He's your FB friend. Aren't you cool?

the boedecker family said...

How COOL for Claire to be starting school...she looks so excited!! She is too CUTE!!

The boys jerseys look awesome!!

Amber said...

dang, the girl DOES look like she owns the place!!
I love it!

Tracy said...

What a sweetheart. I thought it was cute that she thought Caymen would be at preschool too! Maybe Mrs. Poncelet can break the rules for us to send Caymen WITH Claire.


HA! The boys were stylin' with their new jersey's! Love the picture of Nathan wearing his Bulldog hat while playing Playstation! CUTE!

They meant business playing football...that's for sure!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

She is just tooooooo cute! I can tell she is very excited about school. Great song to end the video!!

Anonymous said...

She cracks me up - she is so excited for school. Claire, thanks for the cookies and note pad. I loved it.
Susan (aka - Mrs. Poncelet)

Tess said...

That Claire is adorable!! I love that, "No Never!" haa...
Very cool jerseys boys!! Awesome!!