Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Getting to know your children - Nathan Meyer style

I was in a local coffee shop the other day getting some hot chocolate. I know! Chocolate gives me a headache, but sometimes you just NEED it!

There was a small newspaper on the counter with a headline that read 'How well do you know your kids?' I looked it over and it gave questions to ask your children to get to know them better. I asked if they were for sale and lucky for me they were just give aways.

I asked Nathan the questions and here they are:

  1. What makes you laugh? When daddy tickles me.
  2. What is your favorite food? Macaroni and cheese.
  3. Where would you go on vacation if you could go anywhere? Mt. Rushmore.
  4. What can you do pretty well? Play football.
  5. What is your favorite song? 5 little monkey's.
  6. How would you describe yourself to someone who doesn't know you? I'm nice and I like to play video games.
  7. How would you spend $5,000? I would buy a PSP.
  8. What is your favorite room in the house? My bedroom.
  9. What would you like to invent? A robot that does anything I want it to.
  10. What is something that bugs you? Well when I get in trouble it bugs me.
  11. What talent do you wish you had? I wish I could play baseball better.
  12. What is the best birthday gift you ever got? An Iron man toy.
  13. If you could only take 3 things with you when you had to move, what would they be? A football, Dawson and Daddy.
  14. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a football and baseball player.
  15. I asked this one on my own. What do you like most about other people? That they are nice to me and care about me.
  16. He said "Do you want to know my favorite animal too?" Of coarse I did. His favorite animal is a lion.

A little bit later he said "Mom, you forgot to ask me what my favorite thing was at school." His answer? Math.....and gym.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Saturday morning the kids and I went to the DSU parade. Our town has one parade a year. I don't guess I'll ever understand that. In the town that I graduated high school, it seemed that we had a parade every other week. Homecoming? Parade. 4th of July? Parade. Johnny sneezes? Parade. Ok, so I made that up - but we had parades often.

When our town has their one and only parade - we don't miss it.

It was pretty chilly out that morning - only 50 something. We met Tracy and Caymen only for me to find out that I'd forgotten Jack's coat. Well - there was no way to be without it. It was cold. So, I ran home and got it. Of coarse - someone parked where I was parked while I was gone. Thankfully, Tracy was able to talk them into moving for us.

We had a fun time, but I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

Here is Nathan waiting for the parade to start. He's such a gamer. He's playing a game on my cell phone.
This is Jack's new cheeeeeeezy smile.
Katie and her family joined us. Claire couldn't have been happier - Katie brought food.Caymen was excited for the parade. While waiting, she played with Claire. She took a little time to have a picture taken with her Momma.

Finally the parade started. The Madison High School marching band was first up. I love the bands. I love the way they look. I love that some of them have no idea what rhythm is. But look at how sharp our band looks.

Here are the kids enjoying the parade.Well - minus one. Dawson isn't really a fan of parades. He watched it from here....and here.He did manage to come out and get some candy in between the bands and the fire trucks.

We were shocked beyond belief to find Amber taking part in a campaign. She and Ranieroo were hustling pencils. It's so not like her to get involved - in ANYTHING - especially politics. (wink, wink)

Jack enjoyed the parade. Here he is eating a sucker. He took a bit of a fall and got his cheek a bit banged up.

And last but not least, the best thing about the parade is when it's over and you can try to eat every last piece of your candy - until your mean mother tells you no (so that there is some left for her). Here is Claire enjoying a balloon from DQ. Kinda looks like a clown nose, doesn't it?I'm not sure why Blogger hates me this morning. I changed the layout of these pictures - twice - and blogger has changed them back for me. Thanks blogger! (I'm totally showing them my bad finger.)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Video blog

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Comming soon....

I did a video blog last night. I have to edit it. I'm uploading it. It CRACKED me up. You'll see why.....but probably not until tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finally - an update

Wowza! What a weekend. It was a busy one for our family.

Friday night we went to the football game with Amber and Ann. We had a great time. Our team didn't fair so well. We got beat 40-0. Ouch! So far this year, we've scored 12 points. I know - not good. This weekend we play the top team. I've had some ideas of how we can win. I think they're good ones. I think we could somehow inject them with a flu bug. No? How about pay them off? Not enough money in our account? Well - can we just forfeit then? Because if 40-0 isn't enough to make our boys feel like crap, what will it be when we play the top dogs?

Here are a few pictures from the game.

Here is Nathan's favorite player this year, #83.And look at this cute little pumpkin that was at the game too.I left Claire and Jack home with a sitter. When we got home, Claire wanted to take some pictures of me. I totally see photography in her future. Don't you agree?Ahhhh - someday she'll make millions. She's got mad skill. :)

Even though Peach didn't go to the game, she still had the spirit and wanted a paw print on her face.

We had a fun time.

Ok, so Saturday I worked and Nathan went to a birthday party. It was a football party and he was in heaven. After I got off work, I took Natey and Claire to see the Alltel store to see the Alltel NASCAR. They played on an inflatable and enjoyed some cotton candy.

After that, it was off to the Fall Festival. Nathan won some cupcakes at the cake walk.And Claire won this adorable cake that was made by one of my clients. Isn't it super cute!I really wanted them to pick out a chocolate cake, but they didn't. I even tried to persuade them to win another one, but they wouldn't do that either. We had a GREAT time at the festival. I think this year was the best one yet.

Then Sunday we got up early and went to Sioux Falls for some shopping. We got home so Nathan could go to another birthday party. This one was a bowling party. He LOVES to bowl so he had a BLAST!

Phew - that was a lot! I'm tired!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meet Lucy

I think it's high time that you all meet my friend, Lucy.

Her name has been changed to protect the innocent.

Ok - so that's not exactly true.

I met Lucy 8 years or so ago. I was working at a salon here and town and she was the receptionist.

She was kinda the little sister I never had. I mean, we were friends, but I noticed that she came to me with her problems.

Lucy and I are almost to the day - 10 years apart. I think it's obvious from the picture that she's older than I am. Ok, so maybe she's not. Mind your own business.
Moving on.

Little by little, our friendship changed into something perfect. I don't feel like I have to protect her and try to guide her, but more - just be. She would do any single thing I asked of her. I would do the same for her.

I used to feel strange when I would tell someone that Lucy was my friend because of our age difference. However, she always acted much older than other people her age. It was never shame - just a little strange.

Now? She's Lucy - and I just lover her to pieces.

She's one of the many people that I've renamed. First I called her LaLa - for no good reason. Then I called her Lola - for no good reason. THEN she started working at our local grocery store and the produce man called her Lucy - like it was really her name. It C*R*A*C*K*E*D me up - and it stuck. She's been Lucy ever since.

One day I asked Nathan if he knew Lucy's real name. He looked at me very confused and said "Luce?" Nice try, but no. Her real name is Lindsey, but I never, ever, call her that. I do her Mom's hair and she refers to her as Lindsey while I say "I talked to Lucy the other day and she said......."

Lucy - I'm so proud of you. I'm proud to know you and see what you're becoming. Sometimes I know you feel that you're on a one way track to nowhereville, but it simply isn't true. You are so many things. You're funny, smart, adorable and simple - just to name a very few. You are one of the few people that I trust completely. I know if I tell you something that it will go no farther. Everyone should be blessed with a Lucy in their life. I know I am.

You are - one in a million. ....and a dork that makes me laugh. =)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Star of the week

Claire was Star Of the Week last week. Doesn't she look 'pee your pants' happy about it? I'm not sure she really knew what it meant, but when I took this picture, she said her tummy hurt.

Nathan remembered being Star Of the Week too. He kept saying "Claire! Smile! You're Star Of the Week!"

Nope. Nothing worked.

The only way I was able to get this picture if we could call Grandma Suze - which we did, and show this to Grandma Sharelle - which we're doing now.

Congratulations Peach-E-Pie!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Always willing to 'help'

Each night after getting the kids home and settled, I look through book bags to see if there is anything that needs to be done. I don't expect homework in the 1st grade, but you just never know.

The other night I looked in Nathan's folder and found some worksheets. I pulled them out and found something interesting.

When Nathan writes his name, it takes up about half the sheet of paper. It ends up looking something like this: N a t h a n.

Mrs. Graff has tried to show him that there is too much space between the letters by putting a red squiggly line between the acre of room that he's left between each letter.

Here is what I found in his folder.

I said "Natey, Mrs. Graff doesn't understand what you've done here" as I pointed to the question mark. Without even thinking he said "Oh! I was helping Mrs. Graff. I noticed that my letters were pretty far apart, so I put the line in there for her."

For reals.

I laughed so hard I had tears.

Finally, after composing myself, I said "Well, next time, why don't you just erase the letters and put them closer together and not use the line that Mrs. Graff does."

Come on people - he was only trying to help.

PS: If you look close, you can see that he actually erased the line and redrew it. That's dedication y'all.

Monday, September 08, 2008


I went to the dentist today. I'm almost positive I'd rather be any other place on this earth than at the dentist. It's not that he's not a nice man, he is. I'd just rather not spend my time and/or money there.

I was there for an hour and a half. He filled one tooth and prepared the other for a crown. Holy crap! There were a couple of times I was positive he was going to break my jaw.

For some reason, the lower left side of my mouth takes a prayer and an act of congress to go numb. I'm not even sure how many times he gave me shots. I think he gave me shots 5 or 6 different times. I was numb until 2:30.

Once, when I was in beauty school, I had an abscess. Ever had one? HOLY BALLS THEY HURT! I was 19 and it was the first time I cried at the dentist. That might not be true. Maybe I cried when I was a child? I don't know. I'll change that. I was 19 and it was the first time I remember crying at the dentist. The dentist, not my own, wouldn't wait for me to go numb. It was on a weekend and my mom had to call him at home. Not fun.

I have horrible teeth. Nathan seems to be following suit. He's had 4 fillings and needs 5 more. Speaking of that; I got a call from his dentist today. A while back she referred me to another dentist in SF. I haven't taken him there because....I suck? I don't know why I haven't I guess - I just haven't. So his dentist - not her secretary - but the actual dentist called today and left me a voice mail. Here was her message:

Hi Kerrie. This is Dr. ____ calling from _______.
I got a letter from (the place where you haven't called yet) where you were supposed to take Nathan to get his cavities filled. It basically says that you never set up an appointment, so I'm just fallowing up to make sure that Nathan's health care is being attended to. Please give our office a call back and let us know where things stand or if you decided to take him somewhere else so that we can update his records and make sure that he's getting the care that he needs. Our office number is ______. I DO need to hear back from you by Wed. at 6 o'clock. Thank You.

My response?

Or what?!

I had Justin listen to the message and he said the same thing - or what? I guess I'll find out of Thursday. Nathan's health care? Is she serious?

Anyway - that's what I did today. Oh - and colored my hair. It didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted it, but it will do. I'm going to have to highlight it again because it's way to dark (and red). All in due time.

Don't even ask me to post pictures. You wanna see it - make an appointment. :o)

Sunday, September 07, 2008


That sums up my mood in one word. I'm not in a good mood - more of a bad mood - so I'm trying to stay away from everyone so it doesn't rub off. I'm cold. My fingers being the coldest.


I'm tired, but it's only 9:30 and I don't want to go to bed just yet.


I did airbrush make-up for a wedding this weekend. It was fun, but the bride was WAY uptight. I don't think I was uptight on my wedding day. I just kind of went with the flow. I sure tried to anyway.


I did the girls make-up at a salon in a little town. It was the only salon in town and it was.....not as nice as the one I work at. I don't think I've ever seen a salon quite like this one. It did make me feel fortunate - and somehow fancy.


Today when everyone got up, we went out for breakfast. I don't like breakfast, but we thought it would be nice. Little did we know it would take AN HOUR to get our food. An hour - with 3 hungry little children. An hour (in case you missed it the first 2 times). It was the first time we ever did that with just our family. An hour.


After breakfast we went to the salon for Meyer hair cut day. The kids weren't as happy about it as they usually are. They did ok, but Jack was tired, Natey was a bit cranky, Claire wanted to call the shots and Justin wanted to be home watching football.


It's technically the weekend, but I'm already excited about next weekend. I'm going to try to have the Blah's out of my system by then. Even if I don't, spending time with my friends will make me happy - if even just for the moment.


Anyone else?

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Shame on me/you

I hate it when someone pisses me off and I can't get over it. Why is that? What makes me do it? Wouldn't life just be easier if I said "Hey! You suck!" get it out of my system and move on?

I hate it when people are in a bad mood. Just because you're in a bad mood DOES NOT give you the right to treat people like shit. It doesn't! You know what happens when you're in a bad mood and you treat someone like shit? It makes THEM in a bad mood and THEY treat others like shit.

I hate it when people let me down that are supposed to love me. I understand that as humans we aren't perfect, but being let down is a real downer. I hate that.

I hate it when people don't let me have my own opinion. Just because we don't share the same opinion does not make me wrong - nor does it make my feelings toward the subject less valid. It doesn't. ....And get over yourself!

I hate it when my loud mouth hurts someones feelings when it was never my intent. I would never, ever, hurt someones feelings on purpose. I just don't have it in me.

I hate the phrase 'You can tell someones personality by the people they keep' because it's just not true. Not all the 'people I keep' have the same values or thoughts that I do. ....But then again - some do.


Not really. Just overdue.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Goodbye summer - take 2

The camp ground has a fun playground that the kids really enjoyed. We didn't stay there real long because it was starting to get hot. My in-laws have a large camper that we slept in, but during the day we went to their house. The temps were just too hot to be outside and the camper was too cramped with 11 people. Here are a few more pictures.My sister-in-law and I took the big boys swimming in the river. I wouldn't let Nathan go out too far and probably drove him crazy saying 'come a little closer'. If he stood up and the water was above his belly button - he was out too far. The wind was really strong and I didn't want him to get swept away in the current. They had a good time nonetheless.On the drive home we saw this icky snake on the road. Ick, ick, ick!We also met some new people on our trip. It's always nice to meet new people, right Justin?While I was taking this picture, Nathan kept saying "You probably better not do that, Mom". Son, your mom doesn't follow many rules. Get used to it. =)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Goodbye summer

It's official. Summer 2008 has come and gone. I hated to see it go. It went by so fast. Here in the great state of South Dakota, we didn't get summer until late June. Now, it's all but a memory.

We kicked off the weekend by watching the High School football team play their first game. We didn't do so hot. We lost - Big. It was fun going and seeing everyone though. We had a HUGE turn out. It's too bad we blew it so badly.

Nathan and Dawson saw their football coach from the summer, Chase. They yelled his name and he looked at them and waved. It was so cute! Chase did very well and made at least 2 HUGE tackles. It was fun to watch him. We have another home game this Friday. We're going to have to play better ball to get a check in the W column.

Saturday morning we headed off to Pierre for a fun camping weekend. It was hot. This kind of hot.

It even said 106 a couple of times. Eeek! That's a bit hotter than I like it.

We saw a bit of wild life.

The kids had a lot of fun with their cousins. Well - with Spencer at least. Zachary is still a bit of a Mommy fan and doesn't want a ton to do with anyone else right now. He'll come around in time.Nathan and Spencer brought their bikes and spent a lot of time on them. They always have so much fun when they're together.I'm not sure how this happened, but Claire and Jack ended up in the closet in the camper. Jack thought it was all kinds of fun. Claire? Not so much.

The kids played, and played, and played.

There were plenty of times to just kick back and relax too.

Tomorrow.....more camping pictures. The big boys even went swimming in the river....and I didn't even have a panic attack!