Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meet Lucy

I think it's high time that you all meet my friend, Lucy.

Her name has been changed to protect the innocent.

Ok - so that's not exactly true.

I met Lucy 8 years or so ago. I was working at a salon here and town and she was the receptionist.

She was kinda the little sister I never had. I mean, we were friends, but I noticed that she came to me with her problems.

Lucy and I are almost to the day - 10 years apart. I think it's obvious from the picture that she's older than I am. Ok, so maybe she's not. Mind your own business.
Moving on.

Little by little, our friendship changed into something perfect. I don't feel like I have to protect her and try to guide her, but more - just be. She would do any single thing I asked of her. I would do the same for her.

I used to feel strange when I would tell someone that Lucy was my friend because of our age difference. However, she always acted much older than other people her age. It was never shame - just a little strange.

Now? She's Lucy - and I just lover her to pieces.

She's one of the many people that I've renamed. First I called her LaLa - for no good reason. Then I called her Lola - for no good reason. THEN she started working at our local grocery store and the produce man called her Lucy - like it was really her name. It C*R*A*C*K*E*D me up - and it stuck. She's been Lucy ever since.

One day I asked Nathan if he knew Lucy's real name. He looked at me very confused and said "Luce?" Nice try, but no. Her real name is Lindsey, but I never, ever, call her that. I do her Mom's hair and she refers to her as Lindsey while I say "I talked to Lucy the other day and she said......."

Lucy - I'm so proud of you. I'm proud to know you and see what you're becoming. Sometimes I know you feel that you're on a one way track to nowhereville, but it simply isn't true. You are so many things. You're funny, smart, adorable and simple - just to name a very few. You are one of the few people that I trust completely. I know if I tell you something that it will go no farther. Everyone should be blessed with a Lucy in their life. I know I am.

You are - one in a million. ....and a dork that makes me laugh. =)


Kristie said...

You are right Kerrie everyone should have a LUCY in their life I am glad you do!!!!!!

Lucy said...

Awe...thanks Ker!

Tracy said...

well look at here...I am checking on you from NEW YORK!!! are a sweetheart!!

Love the pictures!!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Awww...what a great friend.

Rick said...

Just surfing through.

Funny, I give nicknames to all of my daughter's friends. Everyone one has to get some unusual name from me.

A true friend is hard to find. Treasure the friendship.

Proverbs 17.17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother (sister) is born for adversity.

Proverbs 18.24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (sister)

Tess said...

What a great post.. I love it! True friendship is something that everyone needs!!