Hi there friends and family! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Life has been busy and crazy the last week or so. It was non stop at the salon and then of coarse getting things done for Christmas was just crazy! I'll take you through it one step at a time. Anything else would just tire you out anyway.
Your first stop, Pierre. We made it out to Pierre the weekend before Christmas to enjoy some time with Justin's family. We had a very nice time. I got some shopping done and Nathan and his cousin, Spencer, played non stop. A lot of the time they enjoyed 'hiding' from people. Let me explain how this was happening. They would hide by the couch, normally in plain view. Then they would be spotted and run to another room and giggle with each other - still in plain view or within hearing distance. It was fun until they would insist that you didn't see them at all. Whatever - go hide from someone else. =) (I'm the fun Mom/Aunt.) HA!
Look back at my previous post to remind yourself what was going on in our lives. Our van died, remember? We got it fixed for the bargain price of $1100, right? Yeah. Here is what was causing all the problems.
Apparently that doohickey works better without the hole. Imagine that! Justin wrapped it up in a box and gave it to me for Christmas. He thought it was some funny stuff, and it was, but when I opened it I had 1)no idea what it was and 2) was sad that I hadn't gotten him anything. After the confusion - it was funny.
I searched high and low for something to replace Natey's white Dallas Cowboy helmet. I thought if I found a Romo (the QB for the team) jersey or something like it then I'd be golden. No such luck. It was weighing on me something horrible. Finally, on Sunday I told Nathan that I'd talked to Santa when I was in the mall. Here was my story: "Natey, I should have taken you to the mall today. Santa was there! He called me over to where he was talking to the kids. He said Are you Nathan's Mom? I said yes. Santa said The Elf's are having a very hard time with that helmet. (Nathan winced....and it cracked me up.) If we don't get it done by Christmas, could you please buy it for him for his birthday? I assured Santa that I would.
Nathan could not believe that he'd missed me talking to Santa. He kept saying "Man! I can't believe I missed that. I wish I would have gone with you." Um, thank GOD you didn't was my thought. Anyway, it bought me the time that I needed. More on that in another post.
We had wonderful meals and got wonderful gifts while in Pierre. Here are a few photos.Here is my new nephew, Zachary. He's such a sweet little thing!
You know Jack, the other person is his dad. You don't see much of him because he hates to have his picture taken. I'm sure he'll be more than pleased to see it show up here.
Merry Christmas from Jack.....
He didn't open many of his gifts. He enjoyed the mess much more than the opening. The other two kids enjoyed it though.There is much more to share, but I have to go to work for a little bit. Tune in tomorrow!