Thursday, June 14, 2007

The hit


–verb (used with object)

  • to deal a blow or stroke to: Hit the nail with the hammer.

  • to request or demand of: He hit me for a loan.

–verb (used without object)

  • to strike with a missile, a weapon, or the like; deal a blow or blows: The armies hit at dawn.

  • to come into collision (often fol. by against, on, or upon): The door hit against the wall.

  • Slang. to kill; murder. AH - here we go!

(If I turn up missing after this post, RUN - don't walk - to the local authorities....wait - not local. Those of you reading this from afar - call someone. Quit walking.....RUN!!!)

Last week the hideous project called 'Project Drain Tile' started at our house. We were very excited about getting it done. They started by cutting the cement with some saw thing that puts off exhaust, ie: carbon monoxide. It was warm out, but Justin said we had to leave the windows open for ventilation. Fine by me. It was warm in the house, but being able to breath clean air out weighs CO poisoning any day.

Fast forward to Monday. As you know, I work from midnight to 8am on Mondays. When I got home, Justin suggested that I go up to Claire's room to sleep. They planned to use the jack-hammer and the saw that day in the basement. Finally at 9:30 I made my way up to get some shuteye.

I don't know what time it was, but I woke up once to the jack-hammer and, thankfully, went right back to sleep. I woke up another time and thought 'wow - the fumes are really strong up here'. I turned over and went back to sleep again. Finally it was time to get up and get ready to go pick up the kids. The first thing I thought was 'where on earth did this pounding headache come from?' and 'holy crap is that exhaust smell strong!'.

I walked out of Claire's bedroom and towards the stairs. I quickly understood why my head was pounding. There was a plume of smoke hovering over the whole house. It was exhaust. I looked around and every single window in the house was shut. As if that weren't bad enough, the baby gate was up on the stairs. It was an obvious hit on my life.

I immediately threw open the windows and called Justin. "Nice Try" I told him. He acted as if he had no idea what I was talking about. Need I remind you that he's the Detective for our Police Department? Who else would be able to get away with murder, I ask you? I quickly asked to speak to his supervisor in which I was denied. I explained to him that his plan was foiled and he just laughed at me. LAUGHED AT ME! Don't forget that the windows were wide open when he was home and the guys were using the saw, but when I was home alone - shut tight. A HIT PEOPLE! Are any of you DCI guys reading this? Help!!

Anyway, I've been sleeping with one eye open for obvious good reason. If I don't post tomorrow, by all means PANIC and call the police - just not ours (one was down stairs and is an accomplice to this heinous crime). :)


Jamie said...

Oh yeah....that was a hit on your life!! I would run like HE&#!!! :)

I hope you have a great weekend and things get better for you guys!!

Amanda said...

HA - I would check on the life insurance policy of yours!!!

(Justin - arsenic in the morning coffee works well)

Jennie Thompson said...

I will be sure to forward this post on to Special Agent Even JUST IN CASE.

Anonymous said...

Holy Mackerel! I always suspected Justin was capable of such a terrible crime...

Just Kidding!!! :-D

Andrea said...


Yes, by all means, sleep with one eye open! And don't for one minute let your guard down! :)

Just Mom said...

If I were Justin, I'd be sleeping with one eye open now. ;-)

Shannon said...

Like I told you yesterday...CO2 poisoning...the perfect crime for a detective. No fingerprints and certainly less messy than a knife or gun! :o) BTW, have I told you how TOTALLY HOT the new pic of your boyfriend is? Really....H-O-T, pant, pant, pant!!

Momma Roar said...

Boy, I'm glad I don't live near you guys ;-)

I have to say that reading this cracked me up - and with having watched your video blogs - I can hear you saying it - thanks for making me laugh!! :D

A mom said...

I have been watching a lot of court tv, so I know how these things work. Never fear, I will be here.