Saturday, June 09, 2007

Tee Ball

Yesterday Natey had his first tee ball game. He was beside himself with excitement. He woke up before I left for work and wanted to have a nutritious breakfast so he could hit that home run he's been wanting. I asked him what his idea of a nutritious breakfast was and he said an apple. He ripped into the apple like nobodies business. He was very proud of his choice. Justin also made him some eggs. He was ready to rock and roll.
We decided to take Peach with us. I thought she'd enjoy playing with Tracy's daycare kids. That wasn't the case. She wanted me to hold her and cried through much of the game. She'll be going to Pam's from now on.
Here is a video of Nathan and Dawson hitting. I believe this is their second time batting. You might want to turn your sound down. Seriously, turn your sound down - it's the best advice I can give all day. I'm cheering like a moron and I even annoy myself. Dawson apparently got an out, but I told him to go back to 1st. Yeah - I should mind my own business.

In this next video, after Nathan got to 1st base, I forgot to turn off the camera. There are a few seconds of nothingness before the camera shuts off. I'm shocked that Spielberg hasn't contacted me for my obvious natural talent in videography.


Tracy said...

That was so much fun. I CANNOT wait until next week!! Glad you got some good video of the boys!! They did awesome!!

(Love it that you got video of Dawson trying to take the bat to 1st base) ~giggle~

Anonymous said...

Too funny!!! I love the cheering. I thought I had heard your voice on the video that Tracy put up. You gals are too cute with all the cheering and sideline coaching you do! :-)

Anonymous said...

Great video! This boy is in for years of a mom with a sore throat, hehe! This is just the beginning. Have FUN!!!!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

that cracks me up. i don't remember if i saw nic hit or not:-) i did see my hubby in the out field though...dress clothes and all.

Shannon said...

Fun videos!! Thanks for sharing. Evie had a chance to see them and she thought Natey did a great job. Um...your "natural talent" almost made me barf ;o)

Jamie said...

Oh, that was so cool! Way to go Natey!

I am the same as you. I am cheering for Marissa the same way. The funny thing is Marissa said the really likes it when she can here me cheer her on.

Anonymous said...

You got good video of Mark's butt too.

A mom said...

Ouy. You are one of those vocal mom's. It looks like so much fun. I can't wait until the day I get to be one of those vocal mom's too!

I am absolutely shocked that speilberg has not called you. Your skills are so obvious. He is a fool. :o)