Tuesday, June 19, 2007

While we wait

What the heck is taking so long? I finished my video almost 26 hours ago and putfile is still converting it. It was 8 minutes long and, I'm guessing, just over the limit for youtube. COME ON! There are things that I have a lot of patience with/for, but this isn't one of them.

Yesterday I got up just after noon and decided to run to SF. I was going to go today, but if I went yesterday then I could go alone which means I could go faster. I went to 7 stores in about 2 1/2 hours. I was faster than fast, quicker than quick, I was LIGHTENING. That's from the Cars movie in case you were interested.

Here is a picture of my new little nephew Zach. He's just a little guy compared to his brother who was almost 10 pounds when he was born. I talked to my sister-in-law yesterday. She said that he's doing well. He's on a bili blanket which is pretty normal for a breastfed baby. He, of coarse, is trying to figure out what's going on in his new world and isn't real sure when to be awake and when to be asleep. I can't wait to see him, although I have no idea when that will be. Now we have Jack and Zach. We already had Gary (Justin's dad) and Kerrie. Welcome to our family sweet baby boy!

Yesterday Claire found some Cars tattoo's. The kids decided to put them on their feet so that they would have a tattoo like mine.
I think my kids are some of the funniest around!

And how cute is this?

I was lucky enough to have this sweet little guy come for a visit this weekend. He is SOOO cute! This is Miah's son, Colter.

Peach likes to swing in Jack's swing. She knows she's not supposed to be in there, but why let that stop you, right?

And Sunday, race day, wouldn't be complete without Nathan getting into his Jeff Gordon uniform.


Jamie said...

Love the tattooed feet! Man that has to hurt to get a real one though!! OUCHY!!!

Amanda said...

Love the pictures and I will be sending a complaint to YouTube ASAP - HOW DARE THEY hold up video blog monday!!!!

Jennie Thompson said...

You're kids really are cute!

~ Amy ~ said...

I'm so confused with the "bili blanket for breastfed babies". Do explain please. I must be out of the loop for the infant lingo.

Just Mom said...

Nice tattoos. And I thought that iPod made me semi-hip.

Kerrie said...

Amy - many babies that are nursed turn jaundice and need help from a bili light or bili blanket.

Tracy said...


Cool tatoos! I want one!! On my foot just like you guys!!! :(

A mom said...

Love the pictures. Cute! Cute! Cute! I still think that picture of Natey and Peach with the "goggles" is hilarious!!! Your kids are so funny, and cute!