Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Yesterday I took Jack in for his check up. The Pulmonologist said that everything looked good. Jack sounds really bad right now so the doctor wasn't sure if the crap was in his chest or if it was just the Laryngomalacia. He listened to his chest and said that it was clear so that was good. He said that he was going to download the information off of Jack's apnea machine to check his alarms. If he finds that they were false alarms, we can take Jack off the machine all together and go back in 4 months. If the alarms were not false alarms, we'll need to keep him on the machine and go back in 2 months. He told me to call back on Friday to find out which it will be.

Today his nurse called and said that the alarms were false alarms and that we could take him off his machine. YEA!!! We were so happy about that. You might be asking how or why we would have been getting false alarms with the apnea machine. Good question - I asked it myself yesterday. The monitor that he's on is over sensitive for obvious reasons. The company doesn't want to be held liable for not going off when a baby stops breathing. What probably happened in Jack's case with his alarms is that the electrodes on his chest either got too far apart or didn't move in the same rhythm which made the alarm sound. As you know babies breath very shallow. When he went into a deep sleep the electrodes possibly didn't move as the machine thought they should which caused the machine to sound. The machine records his respiration's, so when he has an alarm it's recorded on the hard drive. They download it at the office and then look back at all the information. They check his respiration's and such to determine if it was a real or false alarm. That's how they determine if it's a real or false alarm. I'm so glad he's well enough to be off that monitor. Yea!

After the doctors appointment we went to Wal-Mart to get some groceries. After that it was a quick stop at a beauty supply store and then we were on our way back to town. Jack is a very easy traveler - all the kids are, actually. Last night he was pooped. See what I mean?
Isn't that adorable? He was so tired that he rolled over on his belly and went to sleep. He'd never done that before. I was freaking out a little because he had a dirty diaper and I didn't want to leave him in it, but I also didn't want to wake him up. He didn't get to sleep like that long because Claire was just as interested in "Jacksleepin'" as the rest of us were. She'd walk up to him and yell "JACKSLEEPIN'", giggle, and run away.

Here is a picture of Nathan and Claire having a snack. Not long after that it was bedtime. And that was our Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Hooray! That's great news!!

I love the pictures. If only I could lay on the floor and fall asleep like that right now...I guess I would probably get fired, but it sure looks like a good idea to me!

Jennie Thompson said...

Great news. No more lugging that thing around. Love the pictures. I have some of V like that as well.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

now that's good news. so glad to hear that kerrie! those pictures of jake are great!!

Tracy said...

I am happy that those were false alarms although it still concerns me the one time you had to "shake" him to respond. Was that just because the alarm didn't shut off?? Okay...can we trade kids as far as the traveling and sleeping go?? Oh-no-okay-I was just curious...GEESH!

Jamie said...

I am so glad to hear that about Jack!! YIPPEE!!

Love the picture of him cute!!

Anonymous said...

Great News - what a relief for all of you!!!

A mom said...

Thats super! Hopefully you can rest easier at night.

Amber said...

Fantastic Kerrie!
I love the picts of Jack, how sweet is that!

Just Mom said...

Yay, Jack!

By the way, have I told you lately how cute your kids are?