Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Last night I was putting something in the oven and burned myself on the top element. Holy cats did that hurt! I put it under cold water right away, but that didn't seem to do any good. Giving the kids a bath last night was an extra treat. Of coarse they weren't in cold water, so the warm water made my burn hurt worse.

This is what it looked like when I went to bed last night. It hurt if I bumped it, but nothing major. It looked much worse than it was at that point.

Today I took Natey to school. I usually just leave Claire and Jack in the van and run him in quick. Not today. Claire started to cry, so I brought her in with me. I was standing there talking to Susan when I realized that my hand was hurting. I looked down only to notice that I was rubbing my skin off. EWWW! (and ouch!) I don't think you can see it very well in that picture, but it was yuck and hurt.

We are having a little game at our house. It's called 'pass the fifth'. About 3 weeks ago I woke up to a rash over my whole body - except my face. It didn't really itch, but if I was holding one of the kids then it would kind of burn. I'd remembered that Pam said something about a rash going around her house but didn't really think anything of it until.....
Nathan woke up with what I thought was a spider bite. His cheek was warm to the touch with no other symptom to speak of. It wasn't until his other cheek turned red (the pic. shown) when I remembered what Pam said and gave her a call. She told me it was Fifth Disease and told me what she knew about it. I looked it up on the net and sure enough it matched. The day of his party he had it all over his body. Now Peach has it on her face. Jack hasn't gotten it yet. I hope that's not what his 'cold' is. I guess we'll just wait and see.
So....anyone want to come visit the Meyer's?


Anonymous said...

Burns stink! Now that I have to blowdry and put some curl in my hair, my thumbs are full of little curling iron burns. Yuck!

Poor kids with the rash. Alec actually had some red, bumpy patches on his tummy and back the other day...did you send it to him via email?? HA! :-)

I hope Baby Jack doesn't get it!

Tracy said...

Ouch is right...geesh!

Okay, so we've been hangin out with the Meyer's quite a bit lately. far so good.

Jamie said...

Those burns hurt so bad! I know it feels so good to run it under cold water but I have been told multiple times that it isnt' good to run burns under cold water. Not sure why..just what I have been told.

Musical have an exciting house!

Jennie Thompson said...

Please do not be offended if I do not stop to see you tomorrow! Just joking.
Do you have any aloe vera to put on your hand?

Anonymous said...

Wal-Mart sells Aloe wonderful on a burn like yours, Kerrie, and a sunburn, too.

Diana said...

Burns Stink so do rashes!! I hope baby Jack doesn't get it that would double stink!

A mom said...

Stay far far away from me!! I don't want your stinking rash. :o)

That is going to leave a mark. I have done the same thing and I feel your pain. One time, I actually forgot to use the pot holders and took my casserole out with my bare hands. Not the smartest thing I have ever done.

I think they probably have that aloe gel here in town. It does work well.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

i am pretty tough when it comes to aches and pains, as i've learned most women are (when compared with our male counterparts)...but burns are the WORST!

i have always heard that cold water is the BEST thing for it....curious who's been lied to, me or Jamie:-)

from experience, the cold water may not make it go away and not hurt at all...but for me it sure takes the heat out right away and makes it hurt LESS.

you'll understand if you don't get visitors for a while, right?

Kerrie said...

Heidi - I've always been told to put cold water on it too.

What do you mean no visitors? I want you to come over so I can give you a big squeeze. I believe in sharing, people! :)

Shannon said...

Doesn't sound like much fun at your house. Hope everyone is on the mend soon.

Just Mom said...

"So....anyone want to come visit the Meyer's?"

Heck, no. ;-)

the boedecker family said...

Oh my that look's like it hurts. If u can get your hand's on Silvadeen (sp)it would help!! Brit burn's himself at work on a regular basis so I have it on hand!