Monday, July 16, 2007

Video blog


Tracy said...

My daycare girls are from China...they were adopted by an awesome family!!! Dawson sees NO difference in color either when being around other children. Just like he sees no disabilities when we are around the kids that Michele works with. Although we saw a "small" women at a restaurant in Phoenix (she was seating us) and he asked her why she was so small and she said she was born that way. That is all he needed.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

sometimes our levels of influence are frightening...

nicholas notices disabilites right away, but not with disdain or contempt, but he is just not content to "not know" why. so he asks tons of good questions and we try very had to give good answers.

the boedecker family said...

Kerrie, this was a good post! Racism is a learned behavior that is a difficult one for me!! As you know I have 3 children of mixed race being black/white. Now of coarse they look black so most people look at us strangely when they see us all together sometimes. I have even been asked if I adopted them a few times...hard for me to hear but I guess that can be taken that way by "appearance" !!

When Julia was 1 I had a friend with a 4 yr old and he loved her and played with her all the time. One day she asked him the same hand question you mentioned and his response was the exact same, and I like you thought COOL!!

I wish we had a bit more diversity here in Madison so kids would be more exposed. My 10 and 7 yr olds have had a few run ins at school and it is such a shame that at such a young age children are taught to think that way about other people. With Julia there have been a few times where I have had to remind her that we are all the same and to help her to be confident and proud of her heritage and color. On two different occasions she has told me she wishes she was "white" so people wouldn't ask questions or look at her different!!

So this was a good post for me to hear and want to thank you for teaching your son so well on the different races in this country!!

the boedecker family said...

Sorry I needed to clarify in my comment the "she" was the boys mom!!

Kerrie said...

Thanks for commenting, Barb. I thought of you after I posted this. I then started wondering how it was for your kids being the minority. Thanks for the insight. I really appreciate it.

Amber said...

This doesn't have anything to do with your post...I was watching this while Raena was sitting on my lap, right after her bath. After about a minute of watching it she says, "Moma...can Quare's mom see my boobies?"
Can I say boobies on here? Oops, I just did, TWICE. I think that makes it an x-rated comment!

A mom said...

The people at ticket master must have over looked the memo that stated you were Keiths gal. I think that calls for dismisal.

Your post was so true. Sammy, who is black, has been a long time family friend. For what ever reason, Tanner never asked about his skin color, and I never even gave it a thought. Tanner was probably 6 years old when he surprised me and asked me about the neighbor and why his skin was dark. Of course, being the clueless moron I was then, I said because he is an indian.

Some time later, we were shopping and the checker was a black woman. Tanner looked at me and said, "Miah. Shes and indian." I felt about 2 feet tall. That is when I realized that when he asked me about the neighbor, I should have handled it way better. Just a simple comment like the one I gave him, can be horrible. When we got to the car, I tried to "fix" the situation. I don't know how effective I was.

He has never asked me about Sammy however. I don't even think he sees him as different. At least I hope he does not.

Lori said...

My kids have noticed and asked questions too.
So true we are all equal no matter what our color.

Good luck with all of Jack's appointments with the therapists.
Thinking and praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the race thing. I never really got it until my daughter married a Mexican. I now love looking at their hands together. She is porcelain white and he is nice and brown. It's beautiful. I wonder what their kids will look like :) Go Natey!

Ummm, like you would ever forget your live-in boyfriends concert. RIGHT! I'm sitting here laughing out loud. My husband thinks I'm nuts.

The camera. I was thinking, "Go send Keith", just as you said Justin said it. Love it! Luvvvv it!

You are sooooo funny. You just made my day!

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie! Your entry reminded me of a story...when Nicole and Jay were little(4 and 2)they were VERY dark from the sun...I was in a store in Levelland and a clerk said, "What nationality are those children?" My reply? "Hmmm you know i really don't know." You should have seen her face! Loved it!
Love you soooo,
Aunt Nelda