Thursday, March 22, 2007


I guess it was good that Jack had his doctor visit when he did. I would have never taken him off that monitor had I understood that he was at a greater risk for SIDS. It scares me to death just thinking about it. Last night he had 4 alarms (or was it 3?) within about a half hour time span (meaning that he stopped breathing for too long of a time). Then it sounded again this morning when I was holding him. EEEKKK!

I'm not sure what's going on. There is a self test that I need to do to make sure he's not having false alarms. That first alarm scared the crap out of me. Justin and I have never gotten out of our bed so fast. The first time it sounded 3 times. The machine is set to go off if he stops breathing for a set number of seconds, but I don't know what that number is. I told Dr. Henry that I knew Jack stopped breathing for 7 seconds one night because we were face to face and I counted. He said that that was pretty normal and nothing to get too excited about. He said it's when they go 15+ seconds is when we need to get concerned. My guess is that it's set for at least 15 seconds and will sound after that. The first alarm went off for probably 3 seconds - I'm guessing a beep/second. The second one sounded 2 beeps and the last one (or 2) were just one or two beeps. It was enough to scare the crap out of me, I know that much.

The first thing I'll do today when I get home is reset the machine to make sure we're not getting false alarms. Either way - I'm more than thankful for this machine than ever before!


~ Amy ~ said...

So the alarm goes off if his heart stops beating for 15 seconds and beeps for every second after the initial 15. Yikes!!! That would really make me nervous too.
Jesus, please cradle little Jack in your arms and mend his heart or whatever is causing this. Amen.

Kerrie said...

Amy, thank you for the prayer and kind thoughts.

His heart doesn't stop beating, thank God, but he stops breathing.

the boedecker family said...

Oh my gosh that would be so scarry! I hope that he get's better soon and that your prayer's be answered!!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

Thinking and saying a prayer for you and your babe Kerrie.

Lori said...

I'm praying for baby Jack and your family too Kerrie. That would be scary.

A mom said...

Yikes! I am so glad you talked to the Dr when you did. I really hope that it was just a malfunction. Hope things are better for you today. Get better soon Jack!

Tracy said...

I didn't quite understand all the beeps/alarms explanation but either way you're better safe than sorry. I hope Jack is okay. Thank goodness you have him on the machine. LOVE YOU much!!

Diana said...

I would be a mess and you sound like you are pretty together. I admire how logical you are being I would be a nut case. Keep on being strong for your son! I will pray for you and Jack.

Just Mom said...

Praying for Jack, you and your entire family, Kerrie.

Jamie said...

That would be so scary! I am praying for Jack and your entire family!!

I hope you have a good weekend and enjoy some very nice weather!!