Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's rhyme time with Nathan!

Ok, so Natey, like any other almost 5 year old, likes to rhyme, right? Well he was sitting with me at the computer last night having a snack when he started to rhyme. "Duck. Duck. Duck - cluck. Duck - buck. Duck - fu$#." I said "NATEY!!!" I started laughing so hard I could hardly talk. He looked at me with such fear in his eyes - which made it that much funnier. I totally scared the crap out of him and he was as caught off guard at my reaction as I was at his accidental potty mouth. I said "Don't say that word!" (laughing so hard I was crying). I couldn't stop laughing. It was so innocent. He said "Can I say it in my head?" I said "NO!!!"


Lori said...

OOPS! Funny!
Kids are so funny when they are innocent. They don't even know what they've said.
Mine have said a few things like that too and didn't know what they were saying.

Andrea said...

Well, at least he said it at home! The first and only time one of my kids said that word, I can't remember which one, was at daycare when they were a toddler or preschooler. Imagine trying to explain to the daycare lady that you truly had no idea where your child heard that word. I'm assuming it was from another child at daycare. Good heavens, was I embarrassed!!!

Amber said...

About this time last year Shayla was really into rhyming too! She was with my grandpa and I and we were playing the Rhyming Game.
It all played out like this:
Me: horn
Shayla: born
Me: corn
Shayla: Ummmm.... PORN! Is porn a word mom?
By this time my grandpa was busting a gut!

~ Amy ~ said...

Now that's funny! My son always said that word when he tried to say "fox". I think it's their innocence that makes it so funny.

Just Mom said...

I'm bustin' a gut here.

Not good, Kerrie. I'm at work today.

A mom said...

So now that you laughed so hard at him, he probably thought he was being funny and will do it again. Way to go Ker! Where on earth did he hear such language? You should wash your mouth out with soap, geesh! ~JK

Kids say the darndest things! :o)

Brandi said...

sooo innocent...yet this is hilarious! He's probably never heard that word and didn't know what was going on. great story!! Gotta love him!

Tracy said...

Oops!!! Leave it to laugh at him!! L*O*L