This weekend I'll be working while Justin and the kids are in Pierre camping. It's the annual Meyer camp out. This is the first time I've completely missed it. The first year Justin and I were together (I think) he and I visited there, but if I remember right we both had to work so we didn't get to actually camp.
Starting today I'll be working 4-midnight while I finish training our newest hire. I'll do that all weekend and then again next week. I like the work on the 4-midnight shift, but I don't feel like I get anything else accomplished when I work that shift.
In October I'll be working a bit of a different schedule. I need to continue to work 5 days a week so I came up with this plan. Thankfully my boss okayed it. I was a little leary that she might not, but she did. I'll work Thursday through Sunday from 8am to 4pm. Then on Sunday I'll come back and work midnight to 8. I know that sounds kinda hard, but this way if I want to go to bed at 6pm then I can. This past week was a perfect example of why working Sunday night will be better than Tuesday night. Justin didn't get home until 10pm and I got 45 minutes of sleep. Justin is off on Sundays which will allow me to come home, get supper done, and go to bed. I'll get more sleep than I ever would working any other day. I'll get off work Monday morning at 8am and not go back until Thursday at 8am. It's perfect! I only wish I could start sooner.
I better go get the dishes done before I go to work. Boo-hiss!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Work - work - work
Posted by
11:57 AM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Happy Birthday Shannon!
Today is my sisters birthday. I thought I'd post my favorite picture of us. I'm wondering who cut my sisters bangs. Mother - was that you?
I called Shannon to wish her a happy birthday. I asked if she felt old and she said no. My response was "Well you look old." :) That's what sisters do. HA!!!!
I'm tired today. Last night Justin had to work late and I got about 45 minutes of sleep if that. I got about 6 hours of sleep today, 3 this morning then 3 this afternoon. I'm ready for bed and it's twenty to nine.
Speaking of time, I've noticed that the times aren't correct when I post. I know it doesn't make any difference, but I'm not sure why that happens. This isn't the best website in the world - that's for sure.
Well, that's about all I have for today. I hope you had a great birthday Shan! Love you!
Posted by
7:39 PM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Here are our visitors. From left to right we have my grandfather (Papa), Nathan, my mom (Grandma Suze), Claire, my grandmother (BJ), and me. (My step dad was there too. He's in another picture.) My grandparents are from New Mexico so seeing them was a HUGE treat for us. The last time we saw them was two years ago, obviously, before Claire was born. In fact, we found out not too long after seeing them that I was pregnant with Claire.
Nathan was SO excited about seeing everyone today. He woke up and wanted to know if Grandma Suze was driving to see him yet. That was at 8:30 and they weren't coming until noon. That's a LONG time to a 4 year old. Papa and BJ got to the house earlier than I thought they were going to. I was actually in the shower when they arrived. Justin said "Your grandparents are here!" I told him I'd be out soon. It wasn't long before Natey (who could obviously hardly contain himself) came screeching into the bathroom and said "Your PARENTS are here!!!! Wait! I mean your GRANDparents are here." We were all pretty excited about their visit.
Claire and BJ hit it off right away. I was a bit surprised because Claire is very leary of strangers. She had no problem with BJ and Papa. She played and played with BJ. BJ teaches the kids very fun games. Today's top game was take the empty Kleenex holder out of BJ's purse and then put it back in. That was WAY fun for Claire. BJ also played games with Claire's feet which she wasn't sure if she liked at first. As you can imagine, it turned out to be a hit.
Nathan kept himself busy by throwing the football at Papa - and I do mean AT. Thankfully it was a soft squishy one because if it weren't he would have run Papa's bell. Justin had to work at noon so he missed most of the visiting. :(
None of us had eaten lunch so we went across the street for a quick burger. After that, Nathan showed our guests his Lightning McQueen. After he drove it around a bit being the center of attention, I asked him to give Peach a ride. Well he did and it was HER turn to be the center of attention. I thought we were all going to collapse laughing so hard. When she rides with him, she has one arm around him and the other hanging on to the door for dear life. Well, as they went down the sidewalk, she turned around and would wave like she might never see us again. We all CRACKED UP! Of coarse due to the reaction she kept on doing it. It was so freaking funny!
Anyway, the long story short is that we had a great visit.
I also wanted to let you all know about Natey's first day of school. Last year I believe he was 1 of 8 children. This year there are 16 in his class. That was a HUGE deal to him. He kept saying over and over how there were A LOT of kids in his class. Just so you know, I was wrong about the clap-in. I thought he liked it but it actually scared him. In hindsight I can understand why. However, thankfully, he's excited to go again on Wednesday. I'll leave you with a picture that I think is adorable. From left to right we have Nathan, Papa Roger, Grandma Suze, and Claire.
Posted by
6:49 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
School is in session!
Nathan was ready for the first day of school. When he got up it was the first thing he said to Justin - "Today is school, Dad!" He was so cute! It was much easier for me than I thought it was going to be. It was raining so he thought he needed a jacket. He decided he didn't when he got into the van.
Here is getting ready to play. Some of you might remember me talking about McKenzie from last year. Nathan couldn't WAIT to see her this year. She's in his class again (thankfully). I'm not sure he'd be so willing to go if she weren't. She got there just before we did and wasn't very happy when her mom left. She cried which made Natey sad. He needed to come stand by me for a bit to make sure everything was going to be ok. One of his friends from daycare is there this year which I think made things easier. In this picture, Nathan is on his way to make sure that McKenzie is ok.
Nathan goes to a catholic preschool. We got a note saying that there would be a 'clap in'. I saw pictures of this on the school website last year, but had no idea what it was about nor why they did it. We pulled up to the school and there were all these kids lining up along the walk way. It wasn't long before they were clapping. This made Claire EXTREMELY happy. She was right along with them clapping. The kids would bend down and tell Nathan "Welcome to school!!!" and pat him on the back. It was actually pretty cool. Nathan really seemed to enjoy it.
I decided that since it was the first day of school, I should probably get ready (actually take a shower and do my hair) to take him. When I was done getting ready, Natey told me that I looked beautiful today. How incredibly sweet is that? I had Justin take a picture of me so those of you who live far away can see just what 11 pounds looks like. ;)
There I am! I'm 28 weeks pregnant. It's going very quick this time. I have my OB appointment next week, so you'll get that update soon.
For now I've got to go clean up the house. We're having company tomorrow which I can't wait for. I'll tell you about it in the next post along with a school update. Chow!
Posted by
11:29 AM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Nothing in particular
I'm listening to the new song out by Keith Urban. It makes me dance in my chair. I LOVE IT! His new CD comes out November 7th. I only have hopes that my favorite ex-DJ, turned office person, would be able to get me it sooner. (Wink-Wink) If you haven't heard it and want to listen to it, go to and click on Listen to Once In A Lifetime.
I have so many things to talk about yet none of them tie in to each other. Let the ramblings begin.
I'm thankful to have a husband who loves his family so much. Today he took the kids to Prairie Village. It was all his idea to do so - which makes me very happy. He's taken Nathan to parades and such just because he knows that Natey would enjoy it. I love simple things like that.
I've been told MANY times that I'm a forward person. I don't know when or where this came from. I don't remember being like this in high school. Maybe I was and I thought it was just me being a bitch. I don't know. I don't like the title though. I don't really want to be so forward. I try not to be, but I know I am. Have I always been? Go ahead, comment. I'm asking.
Do you have TiVo or DVR at your house? I'm not sure how we went so long without it. If you've ever had it in your house, I'm not sure how you'd go back to not using it. When I'm at work, I find myself reaching for the pause on the remote - which isn't there. I'm MUCH more of a TV junkie because of it though. This way I catch everything I want to see AND the things I think I might want to see. It is odd that my kids will only know TV this way. I think of that type of thing all the time. They'll always have TV in the car (DVD player). I couldn't have imagined such things when I was a child.
I've only gained 11 pounds so far this pregnancy. I guess I'm right on track as to where I was when I was pregnant with Claire. I'd gained 13 pounds at this point with her. It's odd that 11 pounds looks like - THIS.
Nathan would like to know who the parents are of this baby that I'm carrying. I tried to explain to him that I was the mommy and Justin was the daddy. He wasn't buying it. I think the problem he has is that this baby is in my belly all by itself and we all know that babies can't be alone. He told me last week that he wasn't going to play with this baby. He just plans to play with Claire. He'll play with this baby 'later', but not right away. I told him it was fine because the baby wouldn't do much but eat, cry, and potty when he's born. He thought that was pretty funny for some reason.
THE KIDS START SCHOOL TOMORROW! For some reason it seems like a bigger deal to me this year and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm used to having Nathan all to myself this summer. I'll be fine, really I will. (Don't call me tomorrow around noon because I'll be bawling my head off.) I'll be fine, really I will. ;)
Posted by
10:19 AM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Hot Wings
Last night I did something I rarely do. I made breakfast for supper. I'm not much for breakfast at any time of the day, but I thought what the heck. Last week Justin took Nathan with him to coffee and they shared an order of french toast. Nathan couldn't stop talking about it so I thought I'd make it for him at home if he liked it so much. So I did. We had french toast, bacon and eggs. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.
While we were eating Natey was chattin it up as he usually does. I'm not sure how he got to this point, but he said something like this: "You know in cartoons when someone hits their head really hard and that stuff flies around the top of it (birds or stars)? Well, those are called hot wings." It was so funny. Justin had NO idea what he was talking about so I had to explain it to him, but then laughed when he realized what he was trying to say. Nathan said that Patrick on Spongebob always has hot wings flying by his head. Funny! He told me to let him know if I ever see hot wings flying around his head when he hits it really hard. Sure sweetie, you'll be the first to know.
Speaking of Spongebob, Claire tries to sing the Spongebob theme song. It's SO cute! She'll stop what she's doing when it comes on and try like heck to sing it. It's a catchy tune - you might just sing along too. :)
She's also been doing something that I've been meaning to report. It cracks me up! Every night when I'm in the kitchen cooking supper, she comes in and plays peek-a-boo with the baby in the stove. She stands there and giggles and then gets out of the reflection and quickly goes back and ......"DOOO!" She gets that baby every single time! HA!
Posted by
12:14 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Nobody puts Baby in the corner - except Baby :)
This is Claire's new favorite spot to be. I'm not sure why, but she likes to sit in this corner and play with toys. The other picture was taken of the kids on Monday. I should have put my camera on the action speed because keeping up with Peach is a chore. I would try to take the picture and she'd bend forward towards me and say "Doo!" That's what you say when you try to scare people. As you can tell, it was cracking Nathan up. He has a 'sucky' in his mouth. It's actually a chewy Gobstopper. I got some when we were in Aberdeen visiting my sister once and Nathan has loved them ever since. He'll ask me what they're called, I tell him, and he goes back to calling them sucky's.
I've been busy on my days off. I've been going through Natey's baby clothes to see what I can and can't use. WHERE on earth did he get all those clothes? MY GOODNESS! Nathan keeps insisting that I pick up my mess. I refuse until it's done. The bad thing is that most of these clothes are upstairs and I can't go up and down the stairs very easily. I hope to be done soon.
Yesterday I took the kids outside to play. Nathan was riding Lightning and Claire was walking up and down the sidewalk. Nathan went to the far north end of our block (in Lightning) and stopped. He yelled "I'm out of gas!" I yelled back, "Well get out and put some in." He looked back at me with distaste. He yelled "I'm not talking to you - I'm talking to my pit crew!" Oh, my bad! Usually I'm his pit crew. How could I ever had made this mistake? (Whatever) Then it wasn't long before he won another race. He was jumping up and down screaming and carrying on. Then he sat on the side of the car. He had his foot kind of propped up and was holding his knee while the other leg dangled. I thought 'please tell me he's not doing an interview' (at least in his mind). He wasn't. He was only talking the race over with his pit crew. (DEAR LORD!)
I took the kids to get Nathan registered for pre-school. I'd already done this and don't really understand why I needed to do it again - but alas. Nathan got to see some of his friends which he really seemed to enjoy. He starts on Monday. My niece, Evie, gets to start pre-school this year too (in Aberdeen). She'll go Tues.-Thurs. while Nathan goes Mon., Wed., and Fri.
Speaking of Evie, Shannon and I were on the phone the other day when Evie decided she'd had enough of her mother. She was going to run away and visit Santa. Shannon and I couldn't help but ag her on. I told Shannon to tell Evie to make sure and take her coat. Evie said she didn't need to because it wasn't snowing out. Then I told Shannon to ask Evie if she knew how to get to Santa's. She said she did. She was going to take her toys to show Santa, but then she decided she was only going to pack her purse. I was cracking up at all of this. It was even better when she declared that the reason she was doing it was because she was mad at Shannon. Yep - I thought that was funny. She lives with a drama queen - I live with a red neck who loves NASCAR. What a mix!
Posted by
7:04 PM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Must I dream?
Do you remember your dreams? I do. I dream all the time. I dream even more when I'm pregnant or on medication. Sometimes I don't feel rested because I've been busy dreaming all night. Last night was one of those nights. I had the most ridiculous dream. I only remember parts of it so I won't bore you with it, but my point is that I don't feel like I get a good nights rest when I dream so much.
Once I had a dream about Shania Twain and Christopher Reeves. I dreamed that I went with them to space. This happens to rank high on Justin's 'Most ridiculous Kerrie Dream' list. I remember this well because the colors in this dream were unreal. They were amazing! Going into space for me in this dream wasn't like astronauts do it. We were in more of a space ship type thing. Anyway, I was able to speak to Shania Twain and was surprised when she told me she was 60. HA! For some reason Justin thinks that in my dream he was hitting on her which really wasn't what happened. I was just shocked that she looked so great at 60.
I had a dream once after my grandmother died that I'll never forget as long as I live. I could even smell her. To set this up I have to say that I was very sad that I didn't get to tell her that I was pregnant with Nathan before she died. I knew I was pregnant when she died, but we weren't telling people just yet and she died rather quickly. In my dream Justin dropped me off at some college type setting and I got lost. I must have been lost for a while because everyone was really happy to see me when I found them. His family was there to greet me and so were mine. At the end of the line was my late grandmother. She hugged me as I stood there bawling. (I'm bawling now! I can't get over it and it was 4 years ago!) She hugged me and we spoke, but only with our minds. I said to her "I wish you could see my baby." She said back to me "Sugar, I do see your baby." Even now it chokes me up - goodness!
I don't understand dreams. I wish I did. This morning Justin was obviously dreaming when my alarm went off. I pushed snooze and he asked me to print it. :) - GIGGLE!!
Posted by
11:30 AM
Friday, August 18, 2006
Growing up
I was raised different than many people I know. I was primarily raised by my mother who has had MS all of my life. My mom NEVER gives herself enough credit for the lessons she instilled in Shannon and I. I didn't know it at the time, but she taught me to care for others and to try to be patient with them - among many other lessons.
Now that I'm a mother, I try to live my life in the here and now. I don't want to wake up one day with a disease and regret that i didn't play outside with my kids as much - or something of the sort. What I'm saying is that even if a I have a load of house work that needs to be done, I'll still choose playing outside with the kids over doing what probably needs to be done more. Get what I'm saying?
I've been trying to get Nathan to practice writing his name before he heads back to school. He's not interested in that in the least. I told him yesterday that if he practiced writing his name then I'd take him and Claire to the park. Funny how such a bribe would work. He had his name on his paper so fast it would have made your head spin.
We couldn't decide what park to go to, so we drove around looking at prospects. We stopped at a park that Nathan thought looked fun. We got out and played for a bit. Natey went down the slide a couple of times and took a spin on the mary-go-round. I told him that I was taking Peach over for a ride on the swing. Natey's never been a big swing guy, but he thought he'd join us. We got over there and it wasn't long before he noticed these odd bugs that were digging in the sand. I enjoyed watching them myself, but he was COMPLETELY freaked out. It wasn't long until it was time to move on to another park.
We drove around from park to park and nothing suited Natey's fancy. Then I thought maybe we'd go out to the State Park to see if the playground out there looked like fun. We got there and Peach was getting cranky so I knew it probably wasn't going to last long. We got out of the van and walked up to the park. I noticed a butterfly on the slide. I was very excited! I love butterflies and from what I knew, Natey did too. We see the white ones in our yard all the time and he loves to chase them! So I pointed out this butterfly and Nathan about freaked. He wanted me to make it move. I asked him what the deal was and he said he just didn't want it on the slide. So I motioned my hand near it and off it flew. Nathan was very leary to start playing on the equipment. He finally did but was quickly derailed by a cobweb. It wasn't much longer (seconds) before he screamed because he saw the butterfly again. I pointed to the tire swing and said "No Nathan. The butterfly is over there." He looked over at the swing and said "Well there are two because that one is up here." I didn't point out that there were actually 3 on the tire swing. I asked what the deal was with the butterflies and he said that he likes the small white ones but he does NOT like the big ones. We were at the State Park for less than 15 minutes - and that's counting how long it takes to drive through the thing. (sigh)
My point? I should have just stayed home and chose dishes or something! :)
Posted by
1:21 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I'm sure many of you have seen the e-mail that's been around about the stupid warnings they put on items. Well here is one that was on some PJ's that I got for Claire. I thought this was utterly retarded. First of all, I have no idea how many (or which for that matter) of the kids clothes are flame resistant. I don't go to Kohl's and look at the tag and only get the ones that are flame resistant. Was this tag a necessity? I'm just wondering.
I don't wear my clothes to tight because I don't want anyone to see my almost fat roll. I don't wear my jeans to tight for obvious reasons - spontaneous combustion due to my thighs. I just thought this was strange.
Wouldn't you want your clothes to be loose in case of a fire? If they are tight then I'm going to have a heck of a time getting them off their bodies. My kids have large heads - one of us would be burned to death with me just trying to REMOVE the garment.
Ok - I'm done. I thought it was retarded and wanted to share it with you. You're welcome!
So my checks have a picture of me and Keith Urban on them. I love them! They bring me great happiness. I was just at the store and the clerk told me that my husband looks a lot like Keith Urban. I told her that it WAS Keith Urban on the check and she was stumped. Seriously, stumped. She obviously had it in her mind that the man in that picture was my husband. I had to explain to her, twice, that it was indeed Keith Urban in the picture with me and not my husband. Then she decided that it wasn't me in the picture. Lordy!
Nathan has decided that he'll pretend that our house is a store and he'll ask me each time that he has to go to the bathroom if he can use it. "Excuse me ma'am, may I use your restroom?" This comes from us using the restroom at one of the beauty supply houses in Sioux Falls. He wanted to know why I called it a restroom. At least he's polite about it. :)
I worked the over night last night. I came home and watched some TV with Nathan before falling asleep on the couch. Finally around 9am I went to bed. I was up by 11:45am and haven't been back to sleep yet. My right eye feels as though it might fall out of my head due to being tired, but when I get in bed I can't breath and I can't sleep.
Yesterday Peach was cranky. I don't know what her deal was. Maybe she didn't have enough of a nap - I don't know. She seemed to be ok when she woke up, but the longer the day went the worse she got. I just hope she's not getting sick again. It's so hard to tell! She was still sleeping when I went to bed today, so hopefully she's back to her happy self today.
Posted by
1:47 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
He's just so funny!
I've said it before and I'll say it many times over. Natey cracks me up! He says the funniest things. I'm sure all kids do this, but he's our child and he makes me laugh.
He helped me make brownies while Justin was taking his nap. After we got them in the oven I got supper ready. We were eating supper when the brownies got done. Nathan was SO excited. He ran to the front door and yelled "We're having brownies today. We're having brownies today." For those of you who don't know, we live right across the street from McDonald's, so it's not like there isn't anyone around to hear him.
We ate and then had brownies and all was great. I was getting up from the table and Nathan said he was going to say something outside. I couldn't understand him but I DID hear him say something about an emergency. I told him not to yell anything about an emergency outside. Of coarse he asked me why and I told him it was the rules (my standard answer).
He said he wouldn't but was still heading towards the door. I asked what he was doing. He went to the door, opened the screen, and yelled "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! The rain is COMING!" I about died. Ok, so I laughed first, but what the heck? Where on earth did that come from? Run for your life? It wasn't raining, cloudy - yes, but it wasn't raining.
Then a little bit later Justin got up. The NFL channel was on the TV. Natey wouldn't let me change it because he wanted to watch the Cowboys. I'm not sure he watched a total of 5 minutes, but we HAD to have it on. Justin got up and Nathan asked him to take him to the NFL to play football. Justin told him his standard answer - maybe. I was checking my e-mail before I went to bed and Nathan came over and said, "Dad might take me to the NFL to play football. You could come watch me. (Short silence due to an obvious thought that was coming to him.) You could even put make-up on your belly if you want to."
I'm telling you people. He CRACKS me up!
Posted by
5:48 AM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Awake from 12:30am - 3:15am OY!!!!
First and foremost - I'm sick of contractions. I just want to make that clear. Yesterday I was fine when I came home from work. I played with the kids and Justin took a quick nap. Then I started to cut some fruit and get supper ready. By the time we (Justin and I) were done cooking I could hardly walk because of the contractions/tightness. I'm also having muscle spasms which I'm NOT a fan of either. Three more months to go - whew! Believe me, I know it could be worse, but sill - it's just not fun.
Justin got called into work last night just after midnight. Claire woke up at 12:30. I went upstairs and put her pacifier in her mouth. She was restless. By 1:15 I'd been up to give her her pacifier 3 times, but she wouldn't settle down. I went up and got her and brought her down stairs and gave her some Motrin and later some milk. She didn't have a fever, but I thought maybe it would help. After about 45 minutes she perked up and wanted to patty-cake non stop. At 2:30 I asked her if she was ready to go back to bed. She said "No" and shook her head. It cracked me up. Her usual answer to everything is "Yes" or "Yep". Since I had to work at 8am, she didn't have a choice. I finally got back to bed at 3 and last looked at the clock at 3:15. Justin still wasn't home yet. I could hear him talking on the scanner, but I wasn't paying attention to what was going on. My guess is that he got home between 4 and 4:30.
I haven't talked to him yet today so I'm not sure how Peach is doing.
Nathan woke up just before I came to work. I turned cartoons on for him and asked him to let Justin sleep a little. Spongebob was on until 9, so my guess is that Justin got to sleep at least that long.
I'm working from 8-4 today, have 8 hours off then come back at midnight tonight. Our daycare is closed on Thursday and Friday and we didn't have anyone to keep our kids. So I switched my schedule to this crazy one, but I'll have Thursday off to keep the kids. My friend Tracy has a blood treatment on Thursday so I'll keep her kids while she does that. In return, they'll go to her house on Friday. Aren't friends awesome? The answer is YES!
Posted by
9:35 AM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Separation anxiety - age 4
I'm not sure what's going on and I really thought this would end sooner than this, but Nathan has a very hard time seeing Justin and I leave him. We always thought we were very lucky because Nathan didn't have much separation anxiety when he was 'supposed to'. When all the books said watch out for it - we just kept watching because it never came.
Then came the night we had to go to Aberdeen for Justin's nose surgery and Nathan and Claire stayed home with Justin's mom, Sharelle. We told him how fun it was going to be and tried to prep him as well as we could for us leaving. Well, he bawled his head off. It took us forever to get out of the door. It wasn't much fun. It wasn't long and Sharelle called to let me know that Nathan was fine and back to his normal self. I knew he'd be fine, but it was really hard to leave him for the first time and for him to have such a hard time with it.
When we got home from Aberdeen, he wasn't exactly the most behaved child. I think it was his way of 'showing us'. In June we left the kids again with Justin's parents so that we could attend a friends wedding in Rapid City. He didn't cry like he did the time before, but he wanted us to leave on his terms, not ours. When we got home it was the same way it was when we left him the first time. We had to remind him a few times that he wasn't the boss and such.
Now he's having a hard time with us leaving for a few hours at a time. Just this past Tuesday when we took him to daycare, he cried and cried because he didn't want us to leave. He's done this to Justin in the past when he drops the kids off at daycare for work. It doesn't have a thing to do with daycare - he just doesn't want us to leave him. When I ask why he does it he said "Because I miss you so much". Yeah - deal with that one!
I was leaving to come to work on Thursday and he was bawling his head off again because I was leaving him. Justin said he woke up to Nathan crying on the couch because I'd left to come to work. WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON?
Last night he and I were sitting on the couch and I said "Why do you cry when I leave you?" He said "It's just because I miss you so much, mommy. I can't help it. I think I might cry tomorrow when you leave for work." I told him there was no need to because he gets to hang out with Justin all day and then I'd be home to hang out after that. He just gave me a look as to say that he wasn't sure he would be able not to cry. Thankfully he was still sleeping when I left today.
So you must be asking - is he just doing this to get a reaction? I really don't think he is. It's not that kind of a cry or emotion. It seems genuine, but who knows I guess? Anything's possible. Have any of you had this happen to children this age? Go a head and post your comments. I welcome anything.
Claire is doing so much better. The medication she was given cost $93.66 for 10 doses. Do the math people! That's just under $10 a dose. $10 A DOSE! As it should, the liquid gold seems to really be helping her. She's sleeping much better and is more herself - which is appreciated. On Wednesday when we put her to bed, she had a 103 underarm temperature which scared me to death. She woke up cool on Friday and hasn't had a fever since. Thank Goodness!!!
That's about all for today!
Posted by
12:11 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Update on Claire
Justin sent me a text message this morning shortly before 8 telling me that Claire had a fever. I called the doctor in Sioux Falls and they could see us at 9:15. I rushed home, picked up Claire, and she and I were off to Sioux Falls.
Poor little thing was just on fire. I didn't have time to take her temp., but by the time we saw the doctor her fever was gone. It turns out she has a double ear infection and some congestion in her chest that we need to watch. She was given a prescription which we started right away. Her fever hasn't been back, thank goodness, and she seems to be feeling better. She's still very tried. She took a 3 hour nap today, plus she slept all the way home from Sioux Falls this morning.
Hopefully she's on the mend now. When I got to the doctors office I figured that I over reacted and wished that I was in bed - not the doctors office. However, the doctor said "It's a very good thing you brought her in today. Her ears are pretty infected. I'm glad we saw her." It made me feel TONS better to hear her say that.
I didn't get to sleep until 12:30 and had to be up by 3:45 to go get the kids. I'm a little beat today. I'll be extra happy to see Justin walk in the door tonight. By then I'm sure I'll need a break - or 8+ hours of sleep. ;)
Posted by
5:05 PM
Baby update
We had a baby checkup yesterday. I had to see the nurse practitioner this time which I'm never fond of. I don't know why, but I'm just not a fan of hers. I told her that I was having a hard time breathing and let her know about the contraction things and, of coarse, there was nothing she could do. I already knew there was nothing she could do to help me.
Anyway, the babys heartbeat was about 146 beats per minute. He was kicking up a storm while she was trying to get the heartbeat. She would move and he'd kick. She measured my belly and I measured 26cm which is normal for me. Next time I have my glucose test.
We did some running around in Sioux Falls and were back in Madison by 4:15 to pick up the kids. I was wiped out. We were walking around Wal-Mart and I was having horrible tightness/contractions...whatever they are. Justin went into Pam's to get the kids and she said that she thought Peach had a fever. Pam gives the kids a cookie before they go home and you could hear Claire breathing while she was trying to eat the cookie because she was so stuffed up. Poor thing!
We got home and I took her temp. It was 102.6. I called Pam to try to figure out how long she thought she'd had the fever and to make sure that Claire ate ok for her - that kind of thing. She said that Claire hadn't been herself all day. She put her down for her nap and then woke her up so she could have a snack and be ready to come home. She said that she was fine when she laid her down but for sure had a fever when she woke up. She'd eaten fine and drank well, so that was good. I gave her some Motrin right away and it wasn't long before she started to sweat. Holy cats did she sweat! Her fever broke and we had supper. She was feeling better by then. You could tell she was tired though. We ate and it was time for me to go to bed so that I could get up and go to work. Justin gave her a bath and said that she was doing ok when she went to bed. Hopefully they had a quiet night. I'm still at work so I haven't heard.
Natey was sad that we had to leave him this morning. He was crying and crying. It's NEVER easy for me to leave him when he's crying. I knew he was just tired and would be fine in less than 5 minutes, but it about rips my heart out when he does that. He said he had a good time at Pam's and all was well when he found out that Justin and I got him some chewy Gobstoppers. He loves those things.
Anyway, I'll update everyone on Claire later this evening.
Posted by
5:38 AM
Monday, August 07, 2006
Life is a highway.....
After 3 hours she was feeling better and went to sleep. Thankfully Justin got up with Nathan at 8 and I slept until 10. Peach woke up at 10:45. I think she finally got some good sleep.
Tonight I gave her cough medicine AND Ibuprofen, so hopefully she'll have a good nights sleep. We have to get up early to see the baby doctor tomorrow, so I'm headed to bed myself.
Posted by
2:34 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
A natural phenomenon?
Ok, so I know this is going to sound crazy, but I'm going to say it anyway. I know I'm pregnant for many different reasons; I look pregnant, I have a hard time breathing, my feet are starting to swell, I'm tired. I know I'm pregnant! However, every single day - and I do mean every single day, I feel the baby move and it stops me in my tracks. For a least a couple of milliseconds I have NO idea what the feeling is. I'm serious! I'll stop and think "What on earth was that?" and then pick right up and go "Oh yeah, the baby". Why on earth is this happening? Is it because this baby wasn't planned? Planned or not I know I'm pregnant. It's the strangest thing. I've even talked about it with other people - told them this story - yet still each day I have no idea what's going on inside my body for some reason. It's very odd to me!
We still haven't picked out any names. We're at a total standstill. Nathan came very naturally to us. Claire was my favorite of girls names and it took some coaxing, but one day Justin decided he liked it too. But this baby is different. It's different all around. First he was down way low like Claire was (where I felt the movement), but yesterday and today he's been high like Nathan was. It's all very abnormal to me. After we found out that Claire would be a girl, I wanted to name her immediately. We know this is a boy....but we've got nothin'!
Speaking of Claire, she had a rough night last night. She and Nathan have both had a cough, but Claire was up coughing much of the night. I asked Justin to give her medicine at about 3ish (I think). He went and gave her some, but she would cough and cry and I don't think she ever went back to sleep. Justin went and got her up at 4:30ish. She would cry and cough and carry on. I wasn't able to sleep and I guess possibly did here and there, but not near as much as I wanted or needed. She didn't want to eat. She didn't want to play or at least not for long. Justin put her back in her crib and she coughed and coughed. Poor little thing!
Natey's had some sort of allergy thing going on as well. It's been going on for well over a month now. This past week as Claire got her cough, Nathan got one too. He doesn't seem to feel bad, he just coughs, sniffs, and sneezes all over the house. Sick kids make me sad. :(
Thanks to everyone that's called, e-mailed or text me today. You're all so nice!
Posted by
2:07 PM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
My mom always said....
When I was growing up, mom always said she was tired of being tired. I never fully understood what she was saying until I became a mom myself. Now being pregnant with our 3rd child I understand it even more. I'm always tired. Most days I feel like I could sleep for a week. I really am tired of being tired! Do you suppose it will go away? I'm afraid the answer is no.
Last night we had a LOUD thunderstorm. There was a massive crack of thunder that woke me up. Justin was just getting ready to come to bed and said he thought that lightning hit the tree, but it didn't. Holy cats was it loud! I'm not sure how much rain we got, but it must have been quite a bit. There were still large puddles when I went to work at 8. It's a good thing - very welcomed. We need the rain. Justin said that he needed to mow when I get home from work tonight. He hasn't had to mow much all summer long due to the dry weather.
We had friends over last night for a while. About 25 minutes after they left, Nathan was very sad because he already missed his friends. He does this with one of his babysitters too. It makes me laugh. Our friends were at our house for about 3 hours so it's not like they were only there for 20 minutes before having to leave. He's the king of drama some days.
This morning when I was leaving he was worried that the baby was going to miss him while I was at work and probably cry. Before I could even explain to him that the baby couldn't cry yet he took matters into his own hands and gave the baby a hug. "That should take care of him", Nathan said. Whatever works I guess. ;)
Claire is walking up a storm. Justin and I can't believe how fast she's caught on to it. She's even scraped her knee already. She is VERY MUCH enjoying being able to chase after Nathan or to at least try. However, if he goes faster than she can she gets on her hands and knees and crawls after him. She's not dumb - it is faster. :)
Posted by
2:31 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
The need to BREATHE
I had high hopes that I wouldn't have the breathing problems that I had when I was pregnant with Claire. Hopefully it won't last, but this morning I had a horrible time trying to breathe. It was no fun at all. Horrible actually. I would stand up to try to get more air and the contractions would start. It was a catch 22.
This went on until at least noon. I've battled it on and off all day, but it was much worse this morning. I'm just too short to carry children!
I go back to the doctor on the 8th so we'll see what she says. I have to see the Nurse Practitioner this time around. I don't like it when I have to see her. I'm sure she knows what she's doing, but she doesn't seem as confident as my regular doctor does and that makes me nervous.
Not much happened today so I guess that's all I have to report. I'm tired so I'm off to bed. Nite!
Posted by
9:21 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Wonderful slumber
Whoever says sleep is over rated OBVIOUSLY isn't tired enough!
Today I came home, ate a bagel, started watching 'My Little Pony' with Nathan and then went to bed. I was SHOT! I woke up at 1ish to go to the bathroom and then I was back to sleep until 3:30. That was awesome! I'm even tired now which is actually good news. Wednesday night I usually can't sleep very well because I've slept during the day, but I think sleep is going to be in my favor tonight.
It's SO nice out today. It's about 84 and feels great! After I got the kids from daycare, we came home and played outside. Nathan was riding Lightning and Claire was walking up and down the sidewalk. Nathan zoomed by us and got to the end of the sidewalk. He got out of his car and STOOD ON THE HOOD. I knew what he was up to and was trying not to laugh. I wanted him to get down, obviously, but I also wondered what he was going to say. He said "Nathan Meyer gets another NASCAR victory" and threw his arms up in the air. It cracked me up!
We have one of those collage picture frames that's hanging on the wall in the stairwell. There is a picture of me holding a broom at Tracy's wedding. Justin had put saw dust (or something) on the floor and got WAY too much so I was sweeping it off and someone took a picture. Nathan was looking at that picutre and asked me if I ride brooms. Nice! When I told him no he said that his dad says I do. That was quite a while ago when Justin said that. Nathan doesn't forget much - that's for sure.
I'll end this post with a link to Nathan riding Lightning McQueen. This isn't from today, but fun. I think this might be the one where Claire tells me what a cow says too.
Posted by
6:31 PM
Boy am I tired!
Holy cats - that's a total understatement! As I type this it's Gary Meyer's birthday. Happy Birthday Gary!
It's early Wednesday morning. I might do two entries today, but I also might not. This one will reflect more on yesterday than today.
I've been working the midnight to 8 shift on Tuesday nights, so I'm currently at work. As I said before, I'm beat. Yesterday our town took part in National Night Out (NNO). For those of you who don't know about NNO, it's a gathering to help people get to know their city police, fire and other such departments. Madison had their first NNO last year. It was very well received. There was face painting, music, demos from the drug dog and the fire department. They had this drum line come from Sioux Falls and Nathan LOVED it.
Last night was much of the same. They had it inside due to some much needed rain. I thought poor Claire was going to wilt. She's such a hot box! Anyway, we had a hotdogs, chips and pop that were provided to us by the city. Since it was a police thing, we knew quite a few people there. Nathan could not wait to see the drum line (Su Fu Du). There is also a DARE train that he got to ride on which he couldn't had been happier about.
Anyway, I told Nathan that he had to take a nap earlier in the day and of coarse that wasn't working out. I was tired so I told him that I'd lay down with him. We laid down and every few minutes he'd say, "Mom, is it time to get up yet?" Then 5-10 minutes later it was the same. I was SO tired and every single time he said it I was almost asleep. Well finally he fell asleep and, of coarse, I had to go to the bathroom. I didn't even get done before Nathan was scolding me for getting out of bed. He was also done sleeping now. He probably got all of 10 minutes. (sigh.....yawn)
So anyway, we went to NNO and had a good time, but I didn't get to bed until 9pm. However, I couldn't sleep. I laid in bed for an hour and then decided to get up. I knew it wasn't going to happen. THAT'S why I'm so tired. I'm looking forward to 8am.
Here is a link to Claire doing 'patty cake'. I have other videos that I'll get downloaded soon. Enjoy!
Posted by
5:05 AM