Monday, January 08, 2007

Get to know me A-Z

I got this in an e-mail from my sister. I enjoyed it so I thought I'd share it.

A is for age: 32
B is for booze: Bud Light with tomato juice
C is for career: 911 dispatcher/trainer
D is for dad's name: Benny Wood (Goes by Ben)
E is for essential items to bring to a party: I like to mix it up. I bring whatever sounds good.
F is for favorite song at the moment: Stupid Boy - Keith Urban
H is for hometown: Milbank, SD
I is for instruments you play: Spoons - totally kidding
J is for jam or jelly you like: Chokecherry Jelly
K is for kids: Nathan, Claire, and baby Jack
L is for living arrangements: Home owner - being this is my BLOG, I won't say the town. You all know it anyway.
M is for moms name: Valerie Sue Blocker Wood Goosen. She goes by Sue
N is for name of your best friends: I will take the 5th on this so I don't hurt feelings. They know who they are.
O is for overnight hospital stays: 3 C-sections.
P is for phobia[s]: Water (like a lake or body of water - I'm not scared of a swimming pool)
Q is for quote you like: "Life is a balance of holding on and letting go."
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Justin. We've been married for 6 years and together for almost 10.
S is for siblings: Sister - Shannon, Brother (step) - Matt
U is for unique trait: That I have? I'm a pretty boring cat - sorry.
V is for vegetable you love: Green Beans
W is for worst trait: In others? LIARS - can't handle it.
X is for x-rays you've had: I've had x-rays at the dentist and on my back.
Y is for yummy food you make: Spaghetti and meatballs. I made them the other day and they rocked the house! Justin would probably say my Prime Rib is the best though.
Z is for zodiac sign: Leo


First job: concessions at movie theater
First screen name: Who the crap knows?
First funeral: Paternal Grandfather
First piercing: Ears
First tattoo: Cartoon type puppy on my ankle
First credit card: I don't know, but I wish I'd never had one.
First Enemy: No clue - I've had many. Forgiveness isn't my strong suit.
First favorite musician/band: My boyfriend has this band. Maybe you've heard of him. (giggle)


Last movie watched: Cars
Last beverage drank: Tea
Last food consumed: Lefse that my mother-in-law made. SO YUMMY!!!
Last Phone call: I'm at work so it was a work call. Other than that, Mom called before I went to bed today.
Last Shower: Today
Last CD played: Love, Pain, and I love Kerrie by Keith Urban (I think that's the name of it). :)
Last website visited: Other than this one - google.

Single or Taken: Taken
What do you miss? Time for myself although I wouldn't trade my life, husband or kids for the world.
Hair color: Currently blond with brown low lights.
Natural color: Who the crap knows? Looks like it might be an ugly brown color.
Eye color: Green
Makes you sad? Death - it also scares me.
Are you happy? I'm quite happy, yes. I have a good life with a great family and wonderful friends.


Anonymous said...

You're kind of a dork..."Love, Pain and I Love Kerrie". I love it :o)

Tracy said...

I had no idea your mom's real name wasn't SUE! Cool...

Just Mom said...

Fun idea. I might try that on my blog too, if you don't mind.

Kerrie said...

Go right ahead Aisha. It's fun!

Amber said...

Kerrie, you like Keith Urban? When did you start likeing him?!?! I had no idea.....